who are you right now? *lang trigs*

tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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Post by VowsOfSadness » Fri Jun 24, 2005 7:34 pm

i am...
-Amanda "Wendy" "Maria-Maria" "French fry" "Big Spank"
-beautiful, worthy, lovely, 16 now, hyper (usually not now), Energetic (usually not now)

i am not...
-Ugly, a waste of time, out of control, ugly, ugly, ugly, WASTE OF TIME

i feel...
-Scared, confused, bored, scared, tragic, sorry, wisped away.

i want...
-Ryan to ask me out, Nathan to understand that I don't like him that way, me and my friends to be happy, me to not be confused, PEACE of mind
-to go get xanax off of adam

i need...
CLOSURE, to pamper myself.

i have...
been losing faith, been losing hope, been wondering what to hold on to. I have faith (or do I?)

i love...
my personality (most times), my cousin, my caring friends, writing

i hate...
doing this
going threw this again
*Challenges welcome*
I always love a :lpurpstar:

I woke up this morning, I suddenly realized we're all in this together.

Drop by my place & say hi :)
Ask me anything!!!

I'm fully Recovered!

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Post by Tamrick » Sun Jun 26, 2005 7:06 pm

I am
- Bronwyn (just me, a normal person with normal needs and wants)

I am not
-worthless or incapable

I feel
- incredibly tired
- sad and a bit angry
- slightly relieved

I want
- sleep
- time to myself
- a break
- a hug
- to be with my boyfriend and not be interrupted
- not to feel trapped

I need
- sleep
- friends
- rest from work at least once a week
-to be easier on myself

I have
- faith in myself as a vet (even when I doubt it)
- a wonderful boyfriend and five great pets
- a family who loves me
- self worth
- a comfy bed that I should choose to sleep more in

I love
- my boyfriend and my family
- my pets
- people in general (even when they are extremely annoying and selfish)
- my job (when I am not overworked)

I hate
- losing my temper
- getting too emotionally affected by things I can't control
- having my sugar levels go low so that my brain doesn't function well
- feeling out of control
“A Sunrise is God's way of saying, "Let's start again.”
― Todd Stocker

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Post by Arcadia » Mon Jun 27, 2005 10:49 pm

I am
* Calm
* peaceful
* not depressed
* bored
* comfort eating

I am not
* feeling creative
* feelign alive

I feel
* frustrated
* disatisfied
* irritable
* placid.

I want
* money
* food
* peace
* piercings
* a lover

I need

* a hug
* a cry

I have
* a great haircut
* creativity
* books
* friends
* bus
* the internet
* the Soundhaus
* writer's block

I love
* my friends
*a stupid south african twat
* my art
* my writing

I hate
* Ricky
* My lack of strength
* My neediness.
* my feelings
"Does it really come as a surprise
When i tell you i don't feel good?"
- Garbage

My Place:
http://buslist.org/phpBB/viewtopic.php? ... 28#3283228

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Post by Kamikaze » Sun Jul 03, 2005 10:53 am

i am...
at home
an idiot
i am not...
a nice person
i feel...
ostracised (only word sociology ever taught me)
i want...
a friend
to be away from my family
to be happy
i need...
nothing else
i have...
no friends
a prick for a brother
i love...
no one
my football club
being away from my family
i hate...
this world
my brother
my family
my friends
my life

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Post by pretty » Sun Jul 10, 2005 8:58 pm

i am...

i am not...

i feel...

i want...
to feel better
for this to go away
to find a way

i need...
a break
some space

i have...
a home
so much to do

i love...
my parent's garden

i hate...
feeling this way
feeling like nothing I do is enough
feeling like I'm running out of options
'this is what she says gets her through it,
"if I don't let myself be happy now, then when?"' - jimmy eat world


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Post by SouthernComfort » Sat Jul 16, 2005 12:11 pm

i am...

i am not...

i feel...
somewhat SU

i want...
to SI, but I wont....
Nick back
To move
Life to start again

i need...
a hug
a soda

i love...
nick, and I know he loves me. I just yelled at him, and I feel bad.

i hate...
life in a way
Every long lost dream led me to where you are
Others who broke my heart they were like northern stars
Pointing me on my way into your loving arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you

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Post by cherylwilson136 » Sat Jul 16, 2005 10:42 pm

i am...
emotionally destroyed
i am not...

i feel...

i want...
to be healed
self harm free

i need...

i have...
to be normal
i love...
i hate..
everyone who has violated me

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Post by DecemberLivy » Sun Jul 17, 2005 12:43 am

i am...

Someone in desperate need of a hug, someone who cannot stand who she is so she pretends to be other poeple and lie to make it unreal, a liar,

i am not...

proud of myself, the person guys want to date because they like my personality

i want...

a hug from someone who loves me (not friend love)

i need

craig to come to my house, put his arms around me, hold me and tell me everything is going to be ok because he is here with me and he will never let me down...

i have...

no one who loves me

i hate...

everything i am, everything i have become
<center>my walpole cafe

"My life's a mess"
"That's the way it's supposed to be" - soap -

I think I'll paint roads
on my front room walls
to convince myself
that I'm going places.

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Post by BrokenGurl » Wed Jul 20, 2005 8:08 pm

I am....
a little lost...
..and alot more i dont wanna ramble
speak as though noone's listening....

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Post by Not_what » Thu Jul 21, 2005 4:39 pm

i am...

i am not...

i feel...

i want...
to feel good

i need...
somebody to hold me and to tell me everythings ok. to make me get over things.

i have...

i love...
my dog

i hate...
*It is only in darkness you can see the stars*
**Hakuna Matata**

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Post by musicofcacophony » Fri Jul 22, 2005 9:52 pm

i am...

i am not...
without worth

i feel...
a bit betrayed
a bit dramatic

i want...
to be held, terribly
to write

i need...
someone to need me
a blade

i have...

i love...
this song..."Let Go", by Frou Frou

i hate...

"So, what'll we do with ourselves
this afternoon, and the day after that,
and for the next
thirty years?"

-The Great Gatsby

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Post by IfYouWantMeTo » Fri Jul 22, 2005 10:04 pm

i am... Empathetic

i am not... Manipulative

i feel... Lonely/lost/confused/scared/worried/trapped

i want... My boyfriend to stop fighting with me.

i need... To have a life.

i have... Nowhere to go.

i love... Jarrett

i hate... Being accused of lying and being manipulative...being "punished" when I did nothing wrong... :(
So When the whole world turns against me
And I'm all by myself
And I can't hear You answer my cries for help
I'll remember the suffering Your love put You through
And I will go through the valley
If You want me to

'Cause when I cross over Jordan, I'm gonna sing, gonna shout
Gonna look into Your eyes and see You never let me down
So take me on the pathway that leads me home to You
And I will walk through the valley if You want me to

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Post by nicki_98_1 » Sat Jul 23, 2005 11:06 pm

i am... still here

i am not... a typical normal person

i feel... lonely and falling in a deep pit

i want... happiness for all i love

i need... people to love

i have... great friends and family

i love... them

i hate... nothing, you should never hate anything.
"Bouncey ball is source of all goodness and light"

Sing like nobody's listening

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Post by jesska » Sat Aug 06, 2005 3:13 pm

i am...
- Breathing
- Crazy (in a good way!!)
- Me

i am not...
- Invisible
- Useless
- Worthless
- Manipulative

i feel...
- Tired
- Flat
- Sad
- Depressed
- Lonely

i want...
- Out of this hell (depression, Si-ing etc)
- To be happy
- To find bliss

i need...
- To feel as though someone cares
- To feel loved
- Hugs..forever
- To find true happiness within myself
- Out

i have...
- A life
- Great friends
- Great family
- Odd sense of humor

i love...
- My pets (they dont complain or talk back at me)
- My family and friends
- curly wurlys (chocolate..)

i hate...
- Being depressed
- Si-ing
- feeling used
Seduce my mind & u can have my body, find my soul and i'm yours forever

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Re: who are you right now? *lang trigs*

Post by PassingCloud » Sat Aug 06, 2005 10:16 pm

i am...

i am not...
stupid (sometimes i have to keep repeating this over and over!)

i feel...

i want...
a different life
more courage
a different job
my high school diploma

i need...
a caring friend
to eat more
realize that i am worth much more than that

i have...
made many mistakes
realized i have made many mistakes
tried to undo some mistakes
tried to hide from some
been too self-involved
not spent enough time actually taking care of myself

i love...
my mom
my puppy
to ride in the car listening to music
to write poetry
watching the sun rise or set on the horizon
to think of different stories and to imagine writing them down

i hate...
my ex-bf, sometimes.
to feel lonely and depressed
to be angry
to dissociate
to not be able to be who i really am.
[I'm talking about my life.][I can't seem to get that through to you.]
[I'm not just talking about one person,][I'm talking about everybody.]
[I'm talking about form, I'm talking about content.][I'm talking about inter-relationships.]
[I'm talking about God, the Devil, Hell, Heaven!]
[Do you understand?]
(one flew over the cuckoo's nest)

My Place

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Post by jaded melody » Sat Aug 06, 2005 11:17 pm

i am...

i am not...
fat or stupid

i feel...
chilled out

i want...
to go to a different school
to spend more time with Hannah
to take an art class and a drama class
to have some glamorous photos of myself to look at when i feel bad about myself.

i need...

i have...
a best friend
a tough life
little confidence

i love...
having a best friend
nicotine headrushes
being rebellious

i hate...
feeling fat
feeling anxious
feeling depressed
feeling like im trapped.
"Between two worlds life hovers like a star,
twixt night and morn, upon the horizon's verge."
- Lord Byron

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Post by DecemberLivy » Sun Aug 07, 2005 4:07 am

i am...

Here, Alive, Breathing, Real

i am not...

A bad person, and I must realise that

i feel...

A longing to be perfect, and I know its going to take work and I'm willing to try and get there

i want...

to stop starving myself
to realise I am NOT FAT

i need...

a really big hug from someone,
a one to one talk with someone i care about

i have...

lots of food in the fridge, i just need to eat it without bringing it up, i can do it

i love...

the feeling of being free
everyone who cares about me
the rain

i hate...

starving myself
thinking i'm fat
thinking i am worthless
not being able to make a difference.
<center>my walpole cafe

"My life's a mess"
"That's the way it's supposed to be" - soap -

I think I'll paint roads
on my front room walls
to convince myself
that I'm going places.

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Post by Illumina » Sun Aug 07, 2005 12:21 pm

i am...
Stronger than I believe.
More in control than it seems.

i am not...

i feel...
Relatively calm.

i want...
Him here.

i need...
To know it will be ok.

i have...
Friends. Some may not be here, but that's not because they don't love me. They'll be back in time and I must be alive for them when they do.

i love...
A particular friend. Who isn't here. But he loves me anyway, and I have to remember that.

i hate...
Feeling this way.
Not seeing a tangible way out.
<center><i>I do not count the time, 'cause who knows... who knows where the time goes?</i></center>

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Post by BrokenxAngelx » Sun Aug 07, 2005 5:42 pm

i am...

i am not...

~ Alone

i feel...

i want...
~My mum

i need...
~A hug
~ To be told everything's going to be ok

i have...
~ A beautiful girl who I love to pieces

i love...
~ R
~My Friends

i hate...
~ Me
<center>xx...__the red light'sburningbright tonight...__xx</center>

<center>xx...__ways of devotion turn toobsessionopen your eyes...__xx</center>


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Post by Dungeon_Lilly » Mon Aug 08, 2005 11:24 am

i am...

i am not...

i feel...

i want...
The day off

i need...
A job

i have...
Been unemployed too long

i love...
Weekends and leaving early

i hate...
coming here

I'm all lost in the supermarket
I can no longer shop happily
I came in here for that special offer
A guaranteed personality


:dkpurpstar: :purpstar: :lpurpstar:

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