Coming off and changing meds - How can i cope?**TRIG SH**

tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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Coming off and changing meds - How can i cope?**TRIG SH**

Post by zani » Tue Jul 12, 2005 11:03 pm

:cry: I've not been here for a while. Guess it's cos i've been doing ok and living life :) Been sh less and less. I've just found out that i'm 8 weeks pregnant with number 3 and am SO SCARED. My psyc dr reduced my venlaflaxin (effexor) from 150mg daily to 75mg for 5 days and now i'm meant to just come off and cope for 2 days before starting 20mg prozac (low dose or what?) I'm twitching, brain jumping, vision jumping, pins and needles in mouth and fingers. Can't cope with this. I want to take od (but won't) and cut to just feel something other than withdrawal. Tried phoning rapid response 24 hr local support line but got nothing but 'talk to dr tomorrow' , even when i said i was worried about keeping safe thru night. Feel like my body is going crazy and taking me with it. I've even started tearing bedroom apart trying to find ' a lost' venlaflaxin tablet somewhere. This can't be good for baby? How long till prozac kick in, if they do at all cos they're completely different to venlaflaxin. This is hell. Trying to keep busy but i'm soooo tired and can't sleep like his either. My mind is crashing, fast and scared i'll lose it. :(
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Post by mallie » Wed Jul 13, 2005 3:06 pm

I took effexor a few years ago, it wasn't effective for me, and when I came off it it was quite a rapid transition to another drug and I didn't have any problems with it, but its one that can have quite bad withdrawals for some people.

Is there any way you could talk to your doctor about going IP for a few days while the medication gets sorted out? Just to keep you safe?

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