questions of coping with SI & ED

tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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questions of coping with SI & ED

Post by scuzz » Thu Jun 30, 2005 5:02 am

I just don't know how to cope with my life right now. I mean it's summer and short sleeves and shorts are in, but not for me. People think I am crazy at times, and I can't explain these things to them. I just don't know what to do with myself anymore. I was put in the hospital for my probs of SI, ED, and OD. I was locked up for a month, it was so not fun. So my family knows and all, but I don't think they quite understand the facts of me not being able to wear short sleeves. I don't know
Plus, I just don't know how to handle myself when I get the urges to cut myself. Cause when you are home alone and there is no one there to talk to, it's just hard to keep your mind off it. I don't know, I don't even know if I am making any sense right now
Right now I am battling with my ED, and it's getting tough, I feel awful, and you would think I would just come to my senses and eat, but I don't know, all things right now are bounded together like a cluttered mess, and there's no end in sight
scuzz cuz, just cuz scuzz does

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Post by mallie » Thu Jun 30, 2005 7:30 am

:wavey: Hi Scuzz.

Welcome to BUS, and the coping board.

That you're wanting to cope, to find better ways of managing things, is a really good first step. It can be hard to stop things like self harm or disordered eating, if you don't have the support in place to help you.
Scuzz wrote:Plus, I just don't know how to handle myself when I get the urges to cut myself. Cause when you are home alone and there is no one there to talk to, it's just hard to keep your mind off it.
It takes time and determination to learn these things. It is hard to take your mind of SI if it feels like it is the only thing that will help. Looking at other ways you can manage what you're feeling, or other things you can do with your time can help. Sometimes distracting yourself until you feel safer can be a really good option.

There are a couple of really good threads on this board that talk about alternatives and coping techniques that are worth checking out. The first one that I'd suggest is Laura's Vast list of coping techniques, which she assembled based on various ideas found all over BUS, and is all wonderfully sorted out into categories so its easy to find what sort of thing you're looking for. Its worth having a read of, and trying out some of the ideas.

Another good place to look is at the Listening to urges questions which are a series of questions to go through when you're struggling with urges in order to try and work out what is going on, what your urges are telling you. They can be hard work, but can be really valuable in working out what is happening for you.

Do you see a therapist at all ? Perhaps having someone you can talk to about what is going on would be useful?

You should find some really good support and ideas on this board. There are a few different forums, all with different ideas in mind and its well worth exploring. I hope you find something useful here.

Love Mallie.

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Post by Forget Me » Thu Jun 30, 2005 10:26 am

hey, welcome to bus! have a traditional welcome cow :cowsleep:

yeah, its hard to cope sometimes. i know i dont always manage :roll: its just something you have to learn, and bus is really good for that :) .

i hope bus helps you out, and that you feel welcomed :)
have a look around, see whats on offer. i hope to se you around the board!
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Post by scuzz » Thu Jun 30, 2005 6:40 pm

thanks guys,
yea I do have a counselor, and they are getting me a mentor as well. It helps a little, well I guess if I never had a counselor, who knows what kind of mess I would be in right now. Cause if it wasn't for him, well it started out by me telling someone about my issues. If I had never gone to talk to someone, no one would know right now, well they might have found out about my ed, but anywayz, I would have never gone to the hospital, and I just don't know how bad I would be if I never sought help. Even though I am not all the way cured, atleast I am not in a big huge mess, trying to hide everything, which wasn't that difficult for my Si, except once, but my ed, everyone was starting to notice, that really was scary having people ask me, and telling me that I have lost a lot of weight and that they are worried and stuff. Thanks guys for everything.
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Post by BrokenGurl » Thu Jun 30, 2005 10:21 pm

You just have to keep fighting no matter how hard it gets...God didnt give you a mountain you couldn't climb....You can overccome this..Welcome to bus and hopefully this place will help...
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Post by scuzz » Sun Jul 03, 2005 1:15 am

thanks guys :)

Today, man I just don't know how to handle myself right now :( :cry: I am so angry at myself :x and so confused, I don't know....I think I definitly need to find an outlet, but I just don't know what. I just don't know the right way to handle things,
Well I must go for now, thanks for all your welcomes and prayers and advice.
I shall search through this site as well.
Thanks again.
Luv in Christ
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Post by kate_ » Tue Jul 05, 2005 10:33 am

i'm sorry things are so tough...i can relate
you would think I would just come to my senses and eat
in a perfect world, yeah you might be able to do that. but in a perfect world, ed's wouldn't exist..neither would si, or all the pain and confusion behind these things. don't be so hard on yourself...these things are really hard, and it's unlikely that you will just be able to snap out of it. if you need an outlet, i'd start by trying different things...scream into a pillow, or beat it up, or go to your counsellor or someone you trust and spill your guts, or go for a run...i don't know exactly what might help because i don't know the feelings behind this for you, i don't know what it is that you need to get out of you. but try doing a search and looking through some old topics, because i know i've read tons of ideas on how to deal with these things in a non-harmful way. take care :bluestar:
:lblstar: don't go hiding in the shade. :lblstar:

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Post by scuzz » Fri Feb 03, 2006 9:20 pm

man it's been so long since I was able to post, but here I be once again.
I just wanted to first thank you all.

I haven't SI for about 3 months now, so I think I might be doing better for that part, I've wanted to many times, and almost did, but people have stopped me, not even knowing that they did because they called me and asked if I was going to be going to the Bible study, if they never called...there would've been a big ol' problem.
So yea, that's my update for now, I'm doin a little better in that regards and just wanted to say thanks, and God bless.
scuzz cuz, just cuz scuzz does

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Post by ebmcs » Sun Feb 26, 2006 1:41 am

Yay!!!! That's good news!!!! :)
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