why wont they?

tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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why wont they?

Post by lordtakemeway » Thu Jun 16, 2005 6:16 pm

why wont they just stop making jokes about me cutting? i mean i wanna stop but if they keep saying stupid crap then their just giving me more of a reason to do it, rite? sometimes i dont think that they really believe in me, or not me but the thought of me quiting. i mean everybody who really knows me knows me have known that i've been cutting for about 2 years and i've tried to stop before but i slipped up and never got back to trying to quit again. i dont know really how all of my cutting got started i mean my boyfriend cheated, grandma died and my whole life seemed to go down the drain with just those 2 people. my parents dont know and only 8 people know that i do and its cause i trust them and i've swore to them that this is the last time ill ever cut but how can i promise them this?
why do they tell me to stop cause im hurting them? dont they care that im hurting myself? why is this all about them? somebody anybody help me

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Post by leensie » Thu Jun 16, 2005 7:06 pm

hey, i just wanna let you know i read it and i'm here if you wanna talk. thats really jerky of them to make jokes about you cutting. its not something to joke about. once two of my friends were joking about cutters and i just stopped them and i was like "guys, thats really not funny" (one of them didn't know i do it) i know its hard when people do that stuff, but thats only cause they don't understand it. don't let it get to you.
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Post by VowsOfSadness » Thu Jun 16, 2005 7:57 pm

Hey I've had friends joke about my cutting and it hurts really bad. I want to just scream at them and ask them why they can't just support me? But you know what sometimes people don't understand. I sat one of my friends down and had a real talk about why they were doing this and what they thought they were achieveing. Maybe you could do the same, because no one needs to hear jokes about themselves when they are dealing with something as serious as cutting. Other than that I am sorry you are so down and out I hope you can get through this tough time.
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Post by plantt » Sat Jun 18, 2005 10:15 pm

i wanna stop but if they keep saying stupid crap then their just giving me more of a reason to do it, rite?
--wrong. it's an excuse.

why do they tell me to stop cause im hurting them? dont they care that im hurting myself? why is this all about them?
--i'd guess(yes. assume) that it's more of a 'this hurts me a *lot* because i can guess at how much you're hurting/this hurts me *because* it hurts you'. rather than 'stop because it hurts me & not you'

have you let them know how their joking hurts?

stopping is hard. very hard. there will always be 'reasons' to give in & keep doing it. if you're going to stop then it's going to be necessary to find ways to not act on those reasons. to stop even when it's damn hard & so much of you doesn't want to.

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Post by limestone » Sun Jun 19, 2005 9:35 am

imo you can't stop just for other people: it's got to be for them AND you.
also, it helps if you've already been doing some other things like making a comforting book or box so that you're laying the ground work.

the problem is, you can always put off stopping. so, imo, just deciding that enough is enough, and from now on si isn't an option can be very useful as it forces you to see how strong you are and how living without si isn't that bad. you can find 100 reasons to give up but that probably won't work if you don't feel it inside, that this is for you and others. you can choose to si and you can choose not to si. people have different ways of starting and stopping. find yours. don't allow yourself to 'slip': you know when you're si'ing and not. you know when a situation will feel better if you go for a walk, listen to music, or read a book or talk to someone. you do know. so act on that knowledge. don't ignore those thoughts that say ' i don't have to do this' and 'what I really want is to lie down for a bit/sit in the garden/have a hot drink/just relax with some music'. don't ignore the part of you that wants to succeed and live, really live. allow yourself to live and see what happens. :star:

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Post by SouthernComfort » Mon Jun 20, 2005 8:31 am

Them joking might be there way of making it seem like less of a big deal, to make you feel ok about it, maybe to show that they're not comfortable with it. There are many reasons why they might do that, I think that by joking about it though it's sort of making it so it seems like it's less of a problem than it is
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Post by ru290 » Wed Jun 22, 2005 6:47 pm

I dont think they make jokes about it to hurt you...i think they do it because they care and if they make you feel bad about it, you'll stop...kinda like reverse physcology. well thats my thought ne way, because if u trust them they must care about you, so they wouldnt laught AT you for doing it. they may just not know how to deal with it
Im sorry anyhow.
Look dont stop because anyone else tells you to - stop because you want to, because YOU'RE ready.
you cant quit anything unless you really want to...ive been trying to quit smoking for months but its not happening, and thats because I DONT WANT IT TO - other people want me to.
Be strong, do it when you're ready - you can do it if i did!!!
Good luck take care
ru x
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