Journaling Ideas

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Journaling Ideas

Post by (*Haven*) » Mon May 02, 2005 5:04 am

I journal...A lot....To try and figure things out and such.

But I was wondering, does anyone have any ideas or things they've used when it comes to journaling? Like questions, a situation, or something?

I'm just trying to come up with a way to write things out.


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Post by NobodyToYou » Mon May 02, 2005 5:15 am

Sometimes I have written letters to myself...almost like I was trying to explain the situation to someone far away. That way I have to put in lots of details and I start to see the connections between what is happening externally and my internal stuff. I don't know if that is what you are looking for or not...
You could also try using the Before and After questions from the forum...those can be pretty useful, although sometimes they are hard to answer.

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Post by mallie » Mon May 02, 2005 12:18 pm

I remembered an old post that had a link, and it was one you posted. Might be worth having another look here and seeing if any of it is good to you now.


and another on journalling ideas viewtopic.php?t=35793

Personally when I journal I tend to write a bit about what was happening during the day/s and just whatever comes up at the time. I'd really love to hear what other people do, it could be really useful.

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Post by angelic212 » Mon May 02, 2005 6:00 pm

here are some ideas that found on the internet when keeping a journal. i liked the ideas that the page gave out so im posting them here to help you all if you havent started a journal yet i would recommend you to start one it really helps alot .

if you are a beginner, here are some exercises and ideas to help you start your journal

1)keep your journal in a special place away from the prying eyes of others. you can keep it in a pretty box full with your jounaling supplies

2)stimulate your emotional states with mood music: if you feel happy, sad, or pondering on your next life leap into tomorrow, music can ring out cerntain eemotions and allow you to access them on paper

3)create scrapbook pages in your journal: paste a picture of your child coming from school and write your impressions, press a cut rose from your garden. add a comic strip or a joke that tickle your funny bone. or anything that you like .

4)enter meaningful quotes that make you reflect on your life
5)create special event pages for holidays, birthdays and anniversaries,

6)add creative touches to your journal by sketching , or photographing the simple joy of liveng: an ocean view, your pet or your home. you can also add magazine clippings, postcards, and stickers

7) you create a multitude of lists such as : if i could do anything list and enter your ten most unlikely dreams, or make a list of your 15 favorite things

8)when you find yourself unable to write read books on journaling or articles for inspiration and to jumpstart your writing process.

9)keep a joy log and enter things that make your eyes twinkle with a smile and stir your soul, count your blessings: sometimes we need to remind ourself that life can be good

10)Keep a section in your journal for your dreams: as soon as you get up enter teh informationin to your log

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Post by kate_ » Tue May 03, 2005 8:09 am

something i heard about that i thought sounded cool was when you get REALLY angry, maybe you get triggered or just want to scream, write down all your anger in a journal. write down ANYTHING you want, explain exactly how you feel, call people names, swear, whatever you want. once you've gotten all your anger and hate out of you, glue the pages together with a glue stick. it's like putting your anger and hate behind you, you can't look at it again. just thought it was a creative idea
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Post by RG » Thu May 05, 2005 4:21 am

I don't know for me I normally write poetry when I am really triggered. As I am writing I have to focus on the style/ type of language and see if it all flows. I also have written a huge journal on whats going on in my life and keep it updated (it's kind of like venting to a friend) both the good and bad go in there. Finally I have started making up my own quotes to reflect any mood I am in but most of them remain insitful, they are quite interesting to read randomly later.

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Post by berendsenea » Sun May 08, 2005 8:31 am

I have 3 different journals that I use depending on the situation and the emotional outlet I need. I have my blog, which I write for an audience (but also for myself) so that people know what is going on with me and I can vent about work, petty people, etc.
Then I have an journal I do on the computer which is more personal observations and my actual feelings about people/situations/what not. So that is just for me, and I let it all go.
The third journal I only write in a few times a year, it's a beautifully bound book my sister got me for my birthday awhile back...and I usually write in it when I'm very low and very in my head and very desperate. I just write it all out, my frustrations, fears, anger, depression and through stream of conscious work out some of my issues and try to piece them together so they make sense and I can accept them.
I find prioritizing my thoughts and seperating things this way really helps me to take my own problems seriously and help document my growth, regressions, etc. I find it to be a good system.

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