Hiding the Scars

tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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Hiding the Scars

Post by sickofitall » Thu Apr 21, 2005 5:15 pm

Hello everyone I am new here. I'm 16 years old. (female) I am looking for anyone who might know the best way to hide or get rid of scars. I started cutting a few months ago but have stopped since when I realized summer was coming up and I couldn't bare my family finding out. I am using mederma and vitamin e oil right now but it's not taking them away. I've tried cover up but nothing matches my skin. And I can't wear long sleeves all summer. I'd be asked too many questions....please help if you can
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Post by Green Beauty » Thu Apr 21, 2005 6:09 pm

Hey there and welcome to BUS. For some reason its traditional to recieve a welcome cow. :moo:

I feel the best way to stop any unwanted scars to be seen is to stop SI'ing but i know thats easier said than done.... I hope people giving you any ideas on how to hide scars wont encourage you to get back into self harming. You have stopped as you realise summer is on it's way, and i hope you continue to do this, it will be hard but if you stick around we will all be here to support you.

As for hiding scars that are already there here are a few suggestions: long sleeves, wrist bands, tattoos/temp tattoos, watches, ribbons, sorry i have forgotten the name of them but those bands you wear when you pull/strain a muscle. Anything can be used really be creative :)

Make up can be used to reduce scars appearance as well just need to find one that will work best for you. There are plenty of topics on this scattered around BUS, if i get a chance i will look for the best ones and post them.

Take care.


*edit* - try looking here. :) viewtopic.php?t=2255

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Post by kate_ » Fri Apr 22, 2005 7:39 pm

i'm 16 too and just started cutting a few months ago...my councellor swears that vitamin e oil works..i've started using it but i heard it takes quite awhile for it to make a difference. haven't noticed yet, but i'm hopeful cause i'm going to mexico in june...and you can't wear long sleeves there. hope you find something, i'm here to talk if you need :)

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Post by sickofitall » Mon Apr 25, 2005 9:03 pm

hey Thanks Alex and Kate. Anything and everything helps. And good luck to both of you in your life and I am always here if you guys or anyone needs anything, thanx again -Kayla
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Post by forevercryingtears03 » Sat May 07, 2005 3:06 am

hey im 13...and ive been cutting for awhile now...cant think of how long lol

ive always used wrist bands to cover them up..or wear a long sleeve shirt on ALWAYS! but i dont know if the long sleeve thing might work..but i always use wrist bands...but i like the things the other girls said. hope everything works out. im here to talk if u want. *hugs* if okay.

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Post by berendsenea » Sun May 08, 2005 8:25 am

Here's a couple good threads about hiding scars:
http://busmail.org/phpBB/viewtopic.php? ... 09&forum=1
http://busmail.org/phpBB/viewtopic.php? ... 38&forum=1
I say...bracelets. Be excessive, be eccentric, people will think you're just very accessory conscious. Also, really light long-sleeved shirts you can wear over short sleeves and take off/put on as needed. And I find I just stand differently (specifically with my arms crossed or down at my sides, scars facing in) when I'm in a situation where I don't want them to show, but walking around or whatever...no big thing. And honestly...people don't notice long sleeves in summer if the rest of you looks weather appropriate (shorts, sandals, whatever). Good luck!

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Post by sueslalues » Mon May 09, 2005 5:16 am

forevercryingtears03 wrote:hey im 13...and ive been cutting for awhile now...cant think of how long lol

ive always used wrist bands to cover them up..or wear a long sleeve shirt on ALWAYS! but i dont know if the long sleeve thing might work..but i always use wrist bands...but i like the things the other girls said. hope everything works out. im here to talk if u want. *hugs* if okay.

Hey I am fourteen and cutting for almost a year. Like Aryn I have found long sleeve shirt and wristbands are the best. I wear wristband and no one ever sees my scars.

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