swelling Q *si*

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swelling Q *si*

Post by Wednesdays » Sat Apr 16, 2005 1:01 pm

Sorry if this is on the wrong board, I wasn't sure.

Has anyone ever heard of uh any kind of complication to do with cutting that can cause your ankles and legs to swell up (ie cuts that are on your legs and swelling to legs below the cuts).

It's probably nothing but it's better to ask than just worry I spose.

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Post by Green Beauty » Sat Apr 16, 2005 3:44 pm

I personally don't know of any incidents of this happening, hopefully some other people will be able to help you out on this one. I assume that your legs/ankle have started to swell beneath a cut? I would like to stress that none of us can 'diagnose' anything via the internet, no one will be able to tell you for sure what (if anything) is up. But if it is something that worries you or if the swelling does not go down within about 24 hours i would strongly suggest that you go to see a doctor.

Sorry i cant be of much use. I hope it all gets sorted. Take care.


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Post by Licentia Poetica » Sun Apr 17, 2005 9:50 am

Just to second that - it sounds to me like an infection, especially if the cuts are red, inflamed or hot.

Keep the cuts clean and bandaged. Make sure you monitor yourself, if you start to have swollen glands or you run a temperature, find a doctor immediately.

If you suspect there's puss in or around your cuts I'd recommend a product called Ichthammol oitment, which draws out infection.

It's a possibility that your swelling could be unrelated to SI especially if you don't think your cuts are infected in which case you should probably see a doctor.

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Post by Wednesdays » Sun Apr 17, 2005 1:26 pm

Thanks. Yeah, it does look infected in the ways you all said too. I was ignoring that because most of them look that way but they're not all causing swelling. Anyway thanks, I'll keep it clean and look for that cream. Doctors aren't an option.. so I have to make it okay.

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