Coping after eating disorder? (*pos trigs though not intend*

tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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Coping after eating disorder? (*pos trigs though not intend*

Post by Thunder_chey » Tue Mar 15, 2005 3:55 am


Hi its me again. When I was in highschool I used to bing and purge alot. Now my question is, I have no idea what a normal serving size is yet im kinda afraid to ask cause I dont want to seem like im trying to control my eating to the point that im trying to starve myself cause thats not my point. I just want to have a healthy relationship with food. Do people know of any hotlines or places I can go to seek the proper help? Im feeling a little lost on this. I really dont know how much of what foods to eat at any given meal! I just eat when im hungry (wich unfortunatly is all lthe time).


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Post by eyeris » Tue Mar 15, 2005 5:29 am

Well, I guess for stuff you make yourself, just checking the box label (ya know, where they nutrition info is? It'll say what a serving size is for that food, and how many servings per box). If that's not what you are talking about, then I'm not sure exactly what you mean . . .

But I do know that Nutritionists are the people to go to to get healthy about food -- usually people w/ ED's end up in treatment with a nutritionist to develop a healthy eating pattern and relationship w/ food, like you mentioned, they should know all about ED's, food health, exercising for health, diets, and strategies for treating people w/ ED's or who used to have ED's, like helping them get back onto their feet, like you seem to want to do. Sometimes people suffering from ED's might have a psychologist and a nutritionist (just to help explain what I'm talking about) to deal with the psychological thought processes the person associates w/ food and the need to perpetuate the ED, and the nutritionist helps with all the healthy food aspects of your life. So yeah, that's my spiel, check one out, they'd definitely help you out a ton -- you can even just try it and do a one session analysis type of thing, like w/ initial therapy appointments (when deciding if you'll see the T or whatever, no obligations after that session -- you could set up an appointment and have a list of questions to ask to make sure that person will be able to help you out with what you need them to). So I hope that helped somewhat,
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Post by Thunder_chey » Tue Mar 15, 2005 12:23 pm

Thanks. I will contact my doctor to see what she can help me with.


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Post by nirvana » Wed Mar 16, 2005 1:26 am

hey there, i think it would be good to talk with your doctor. and i don't know if you've checked it yet, but the please be healthy board might help, or the life after self harm board. :D good luck.

love, tara.
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Post by Thunder_chey » Wed Mar 16, 2005 2:57 am

Thanks, I will check those boards out. I know I have a lot of issues to work out. I feel though the ED issue might be the easiest one for me to work on right now. Im not sure why. I just feel that way so I guess I should go for what I believe.


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Post by StephSearching » Wed Apr 13, 2005 9:22 pm

Hey. Sorry this is a bit late, and I don't know if it will help, but I found that joining a slimming group helped. I know it sounds silly, but some of them are designed to help people develop a safe and healthy relationship with food, helping people to lose and maintain their weight. I found it really helps me. I still struggle with the day by day of it all, but in general i know that in general i'm doing the right things when i'm not binging and purging. Even if you're not comfortable with going to the groups/classes/meetings you can always call whoever is running te group and see if they can give you advice on portion size etc or they can give you the booklet or something. i hope that helps.

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Post by Fireflowerblooming » Fri Apr 15, 2005 11:32 pm

This is even more late, but (waves arms frantically) I know! I know! Pick me!

I've been doing ED more or less for longer than I can remember. Even though it's not conscious anymore, it's my instant response to stress. I stop eating. I can't keep down anything I do eat. I don't want to try eating because I'll throw up anyway and besides that I'm not hungry... or I'm beyond hungry. Or I'm starving and the thought of eating makes me sick.

Somewhere, sometime, I learned how to eat around the disorder. Portion sizes become what most people think of as a snack. a hot pocket, half a sandwich, a granola or cereal bar. When I can't deal with the thought of eating, I'll sit down with the tv going and the internet in front of me, and literally do everything else while taking bites every five minutes. That way I pretend I'm not eating. And then after that works once or twice, I can make sure that the frequency of those snacks gets higher.

To this day, I can't ever finish what's on my plate at a restaurant. I eat about half what others do, and I guess as long as I maintain my weight and don't get sick that's just fine for me. When people who don't know me comment on it, I say that I'm just not hungry right then, or that I had a really large breakfast/lunch, or that I've got a special snack/date/coffee meeting later and want to save room for the fabulous food.

Everyone I've ever known with similar problems has faced this. Everyone figures out what works for them in terms of distraction, etc. Don't be too hard on yourself about portion size though; as long as you can reach a "good" weight for you, just maintain it to the best you're able. I've also found that supplementing the snacks with "energy drinks" like boost works to pump up the calories. Or drink a can of slimfast and pretend it's a milkshake with your sandwich half.
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