OT- i hate being fat :( *vent*

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OT- i hate being fat :( *vent*

Post by treasure » Mon Jan 17, 2005 2:03 am

trying to find long sleeve tops in summer... not only are there practically none but i can only look at a few stores cos i've put on even more weight the past year! i tried on something and had to stand in front of a mirror and see the flabby rolls and the stretch marks, i'm 21 for chrise-sake!!!!! i've been a comfort eater my whole life, and my parents are pretty awful at nutrition. now i have my own flat but i still end up eating pizza and cornchips for lunch and dinner yesterday... i can't get out often enough to buy healthy food. i don't want to exercise but surely i do it enough?!! i only just thought of it today, that maybe the meds i'm on have had something to do with it... but they are the one thing bw me and su!!! :( feeeling like a fat blob.... :cry:
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Post by dreams » Mon Jan 17, 2005 6:58 pm

meds in particular SSRI's like Prozac, Zooloft etc can make you put on weight so that could be an influencing factor here. You don't mention which meds your on so i can't be sure that it is one of those dreaded 'side effects'. But even if it is due to a side effect of the meds u r on you don't need to stop taking the meds but could maybe talk to the person prescrbing the meds about effective ways to reduce your weight whilst still on the meds.

However you also mention your eating habits and exercise routines. Is there anything you feel you can do to change either/both of these in a positive way? Have you tried visiting the please be healthy forum? - click on groups at the top of the page and request membership if you are not already a member - it may be of help to you.

Just a thought but have you tried shirts? I don't know your style (obviously) but i wear short sleaved tops but wear cotton shirts over the top (you can even get mens ones). It covers up my arms but is still relatively cool.

It doesn't matter what you look like - it's the inside that is truely beautiful and that is all that matters.


dreams :clover:

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Post by limestone » Mon Jan 17, 2005 7:08 pm

there's a members only forum here called: please be healthy. you subscribe by going to usergroups at the top of your screen. that might provide some help and support for you. :star:

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Post by aroobixcube » Mon Jan 17, 2005 9:57 pm

what are your meds.
perhaps instead of going really healthy you cd start with a healthyer option pzza, wit less fat and look at other alternatives when u feel the need to comfort eat, like writting in a book or distracting your self in other benificial ways.

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Post by Semiramis » Mon Jan 31, 2005 8:46 pm

:star: treasure :star:
I can totally relate. I am overweight, and I use to eat a lot of unhealthy food. I sometimes just think "you're fat, so it doesn't matter anyway".
But I think it is not the food which is the main problem, it is your attitude towards yourself. Blaming yourself for not having the looks you'd like won't help you. And I am sure no one is judging you as hard as you are!
Instead of getting at yourself, could you do someting nice for yourself, something you really enjoy? You are worth it and you certainly deserve it! :wink: Is there a particular reason why you put on weight recently? If you want to talk - I am here for you.

:star: It was as if what I wanted to kill wasn't in that skin or the thin blue pulse that jumped under my thumb, but somewhere else, deeper, more secret, and a whole lot harder to get at. :star:

from The Bell Jar by Silvia Plath

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