151 things to do before u si

tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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151 things to do before u si

Post by Cath » Thu Dec 05, 2002 12:31 am


And in case that site ever has trouble, here's the list:

In no particular order, here is a list of things you can do instead of self-injuring. Certain times call for different ways of releasing. These tips come from cutters (including myself), and have helped many others. I recommend trying at least five of them whenever you feel the urge to self injure. I don't guarantee the urge will go away, but sometimes, it does. I hope these ideas are as helpful for you as they have been for me.

1) Exercise
2) Putting on fake tattoos
3) Drawing on yourself in red marker (make sure it's washable!)
4) Scribbling on sheets an sheets of paper
5) Writing (poetry, stories, journal, etc.)
6) Cuddling with a stuffed toy
7) Being with other people
8) Watching a favorite TV show (preferably a comedy)
9) Posting on web boards, and answering others' posts
10) Thinking about how I DON'T want scars for the summer
11) Painting your nails
12) Going to see a movie
13) Eating something ridiculously sweet (or any favorite food)
14) Doing school work
15) Surf the net
16) Go into chat rooms to talk
17) Call a friend and ask for company
18) Playing a musical instrument
19) Singing
20) Looking up at the sky (night is especially beautiful) .
21) Making your own list of things to do instead of SI
22) Punching a punching bad (with gloves on)
23) Snapping a rubber band on your wrist
24) Cover yourself with band-aids where you want to cut
25) Mix warm water and red food colouring, and put in on your skin (feels and looks like blood)
26) Letting yourself cry (can be very difficult for some)
27) Sleep (only if you are tired)
28) A hot shower, or relaxing bath (no razors in the tub, though)
29) Play with a pet
30) Detangling yarn or necklaces
31) Re-organizing your room
32) Cleaning (hmmm...I very rarely use this one!)
33) Having a pillowfight with the wall (yes, neighbours may think you are crazy, but that's ok)
34) Knitting or sewing
35) Reading a good book
36) Dressing up very glamorous (make sure no one can walk in on you, though)
37) Colouring my hair
38) Listening to music (not angry music though-that can trigger)
39) Watching a candle burn (no playing with the flames!)
40) Finding someone else you can help out
41) Meditate
42) Watching a scary (but not bloody) movie.
43) Work on a website
44) Have a vivid fantasy love affair with a celebrity
45) Go somewhere very public
46) Bake
47) Alphabetize your CD's
48) Chewing leather (especially if you SI by biting)
49) Buy a home Henna tatoo kit (peels off the next day-similar to skin picking)
50) Painting or drawing
51) Ripping paper into itty-bitty pieces
52) Hugs-(this one is very nice...)
53) Writting letters or email
54) Talk to yourself (or if that feels weird, buy a small tape recorder-I then feel like someone is listening)
55) Stroke nice fabrics
56) Hug a pillow
57) Hyperfocus on something like a rock, hand, etc.
58) fingerpaint
59) Scream real loud (I LOOOVE this one-just make sure no one is home)
60) Dance
61) Make hot chocolate (mmmmm....)
62) pop bubble wrap
63) play with modelling clay or Play-Dough
64) count to one hundred
65) Build a pillow fort
66) pop balloons
67) Hug yourself
68) Sex
69) Reading things in a different language
70) Going for a nice, long drive
71) Complete something you've been putting off
72) Drinking absurd amounts of tea
73) Breaking plastic plates
74) Tearing up socks
75) Throwing socks against the wall
76) Archery
77) Rock climbing
78) Take up a new hobby
79) Organise bills and such
80) Cook a meal
81) Go out for ice cream
82) Buy a stuffed animal (I collect Beanie Babies)
83) Look at pretty things-like flowers or artwork
84) Create Something
85) Pray
86) Trow socks against the wall
87) Make a list of blessings in your life
88) Read the Bible
89) Go to a friend's house
90) Take up fencing
91) Watch an old, happy movie
92) Call a Help hotline or your Therapist
93) Talk to someone close to you that knows
94) Throw a temper-tantrum
95) Hit things-other than yourself
96) Ride a bicycle
97) Polish silver or jewellery
98) Gardening or watering house plants
99) Memorizing German poetry (silly, but works!)
100) CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!
101) Feed the ducks or birds or squirrels, etc.
102) Draw on the walls
103) Play with facepaint
104) Do very Glamerous make-up
105) Colour with crayons
106) Memorise a novel or play or song
107) Put on boots and STAMP
108) Stretch
109) Find butterflies
110) Watch fish
111) Come up with baby names (even if you're not pregnant
112) Make mashed potatoes
113) Make a tape of your favorite songs
114) Name all of your stuffed animals
115) Go SHOPPING!!!!
116) Get into my PJ's and just veg.
117) Buy cheap teddy bears and take out anger onthem instead of self.
118) Throw everything (except glass) into the centre
119) Go to a loud concert
120) Play the 15 minute game (say you can't cut for 15 minutes, and when the time is up, start again)
121) Plan your wedding / prom
122) Hunt for stuff on Ebay (you can find ANYTHING there)
123) Alphabetize your books
124) Hunt for your perfect home in the paper
125) Take up Tai Chi
126) Try to make as many words out of your full name as possible, then do your friends names)
127) count ceiling tiles/lights
128) go clubbing
129) search ridiculous things on the web
130) colour-co-ordinate your wardrobe
131) do a home tan on yourself
132) sort all your photographs
133) colour (or scribble) over the pretty women in magazines
134) plan a dinner party
135) play with a slinky
136) but yourself some toys and play
137) start collecting comething
138) get a tattoo / peircing
139) play video/computer games
140) do a trash clean at your local park
141) Play on a swingset
142) go out and perforn a random act of kindness for someone
143) call up an old friend
144) write yourself an "I love you because" letter
145) put on fake nails
145) try to build something
146) re-arrange your house
147) go to a public place and people watch
148) go through all your old stuff
149) go bargain - hunting
150) smile at at least five people (you usually end up smiling genuinely yourself.)
151) go to the zoo and rename all the animals.

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Post by susanM » Thu Dec 05, 2002 12:34 am

Wow Cath that's really great thanks!

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Post by silent_scream » Thu Dec 05, 2002 12:36 am

"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself, any direction you choose."

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Post by mittens » Thu Dec 05, 2002 12:42 am

I swear you are a blessing. I really needed it. Lots of Love!!
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Post by Cath » Thu Dec 05, 2002 12:44 am

* put some music on - upbeat stuff and dance in your room
* go for a walk - exercise does change your mood
* wash your hair - the sensation of it can make you feel better
* put on a video
* read a book or short story
* hug a soft toy
* make something - a card for someone
* tidy a room
* listen to a talking book
* draw/paint/colour whilst listening to music
* try the distractions board
* cook your favourite meal
* go and buy fish 'n chips
* write a letter

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Post by skru dup kid » Thu Dec 05, 2002 1:56 am

:) Thanks Cath...

151. go to the zoo and rename all the animals.

if only i could drive... oh well i can rename them anyway what fun
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Post by SongBird » Tue Feb 18, 2003 10:49 am

thank you cath, i like them.... very helpful

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Post by TFUL » Sun Mar 16, 2003 3:09 am

Taking up FENCING... I dont think that is a very good thing for me to do.
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Taking up wall drawling

Post by flower » Wed Mar 19, 2003 4:07 am

wow is right.
thank you , just had an asignment to right down what i could do instead of SI now i really have a lot more to right down.
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Post by Shmoo » Sun Mar 30, 2003 12:35 pm

LOL! I already do alot of those things by nature, but I will try to remember to do then next time I'm going to SI. Thankyou!!!! :)

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Post by TwistedAngel » Fri Apr 18, 2003 1:42 pm

Last edited by TwistedAngel on Thu Apr 15, 2004 4:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by guest11 » Sat Apr 26, 2003 4:50 pm

For some wierd reason this helps me.

Whenever I get down I listen to "Frontier Psychiatrist" by The Avalanches. If I sing along, I go into hysterics! Yesterday I was ready to commit suicide, and was going downstairs to do it, and then this came on my playlist. And I started singing! And I laughed so much! I couldn't think of anything else! Download it and try it!

And thanks for the list Cath, for some reason, whenever I eat chocolate instead it tastes much better than it normally does! Thank you!

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Post by indigo_sister » Sun Apr 27, 2003 2:06 am

hey yeah i could add some of my tricks.
when i SI i used bathroom mirror, so we tooked it away, boy, it really helps!!
and also i think a very valuable thing is changig your habitual surroundings.
i reorganized my room, got myself busy when i'm at home.
actually i try to go out, go visit my friends etc. that helps a lot not to think.
also a thing that helps is exercising really hard, doing some sports. i jog and after that i feel too tired to think about SI.
i know how hard it is not to ST, I KNOW, i still struggle with that and i'm still doing SI, but i believe that one day i will be free and happy.

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Post by Tom » Fri May 02, 2003 5:08 pm

A pretty comprehensive list. I'll maybeb have to try some of these I've not thought of before.

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Post by Slightly Crazy » Thu May 08, 2003 9:17 pm

EAT MILO! it worked the last few times :)

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Re: 151 things to do before u si

Post by endless_dark » Sat May 17, 2003 11:22 pm

Cath wrote: 33) Having a pillowfight with the wall (yes, neighbours may think you are crazy, but that's ok)
The neighbours allready think i'm crazy, seriously they dont like me! LOL oh well i wonder what they would think if i did that!??

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Post by satori » Sun May 25, 2003 1:54 am

Have sex instead of SI? Ok...

I've also found that if you're angry and want to SI, squeezing an ice cube works. You still get the pain, but it's a lot safer =P
Also, sometimes I love to imagine myself taking a bat and destroying a house made of glass. That always calms me down and then I don't want to SI anymore.
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Post by BlackKat13 » Tue May 27, 2003 11:29 pm

Good, but I could argue with the sex one...that would make me more upset and guilty.
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Post by satori » Wed May 28, 2003 3:57 am

Yah, I don't really see how sex could help either.. especially for those that are victims of SA =/
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Post by plantt » Wed May 28, 2003 4:27 am

not everything on the list is gonna work for any one person imo... it's more a long list that will give ppl a few helpful ideas...
the sex one won't work for many ppl...
the mashed potato idea might not be the best for someone with an ED...
if u have probs with compulsive shopping u might wanna skip the go shopping idea...
i think the idea is that outta 151 things... everyone should be able to find a few ideas they could try :)

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