Here's the latest from me.
Oh, last night's episodes of Veronica Mars and NYPD Blue were WONDERFUL!!!
The second half of last week I saved my spouse's life about three times--spouse was going to insulin shock. Spouse has been juvenile diabetic since 9 years old and is now about 53 years old.
Then THIS week I was driving spouse to spouse's psychotherapy session Monday night when it was too dark for spouse to drive (diabetic problems have lessened spouse's night vision). Spouse hit me with fist repeatedly on my right arm as i was driving...after 90 minutes of verbal raging at the top of spouse's voice.
I saw my talk therapist last Thursday. I said...well, it's your time to talk now, I've talked for 35 minutes. He shrugged. What, I asked, there's nothing I don't already know and I've learned all i can about staying in marriage with a borderline personality? Yes, he replied.
I said I pay you 75 dollars for the hour...I'll pay you _seventy_six__ dollars today to help me more.....
My pill medication doctor this week said i was a saint.... I won't be rewarded till the after-life as far as he can tell and i can't go THERE early but can only trod on. (((Does that make me a trod-low-dike?)))
THANK YOU SO MUCH all of you!!!! You restore my soul just knowing you are out there.
Don't miss "ELF" now out in the U S A on Dvd and vhs.
And listen to the group Grey Eye Glances when you can.
LOVE, pos [suffering succatash!]
Suffering POS checks in...with love for you all.
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