What will your 5 things be?

tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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Post by runningforeva85 » Sat Sep 11, 2004 4:15 am

i guess i would bring
1.my dog
2.tons of diet soda- must have caffiene in it
3.sugarless gum!!
4.an air mattress w/pillow and blanket
5. computer w/ internet

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Post by angelgirl » Sat Sep 11, 2004 7:19 pm

1. My gf cuz I literally can't live without her!
2. Computer with wireless fast internet and all my stuff on it. And it has to have MS word so I can write poetry too!
3. Camping stuff like a tent, etc to live in
4. MP3 player with Evanescence, Blink 182, Seether, Avril Lavigne, Linkin Park...
5. All my meds and something to drink them with cuz I am not drinking salt water 4 times a day!
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Post by {{ silent scream }} » Sat Sep 11, 2004 8:42 pm

i would take

1) ray mears (a survival expert)

2) unlimited pen and paper

3) my mind, crazy tho it may be

4) something very narrow and sharp

5) a natrual spring.
i wish i were beautiful

i wish i were thin.........

** please dont hug me **

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Post by keely » Sat Sep 11, 2004 10:00 pm

1) Paper and Pens
2) Books
3) My Comp with the net of course
4) my bf

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Post by Autobot Headline » Sat Oct 23, 2004 10:52 pm

Birdie, because she is silly and cute and makes me feel needed. :bcatsmile:

A lifetime supply of Mountain Dew, because caffeine headaches tend to add to a feeling of crappiness.

Some of my favorite CDs to suit any mood.

My computer, so I could keep writing and stay in touch with my closest friends.

As much as I could of my Transformers collection, because trying to get them to look right is a great distraction. :tongue:
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Post by QuietPurr » Sat Oct 23, 2004 11:04 pm

(Note: Assuming all of the necessary equipment/supplies to support myself and anything I bring along.)

1. My cat, Spooky. She'd be lonely here all by herself...
2. Every single science fiction book, novella, and short story ever written. Failing that, a few select books that I love dearly.
3. Crochet hooks and yarn.
4. Plenty of paper and pencils (for both writing and drawing).
5. Hmm...a computer would be pushing it a little. How about a flute or a recorder (the instrument, not the electronic device) so I can make my own music...
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Post by darkrose » Tue Oct 26, 2004 2:54 am

hmmm...well I guess I'd bring:
:star: my journal and a pen (or does that count as 2? w/e)
:star: CD player (with CDs)
:star: a camera (to waste time and distract myself)
:star: my computer (so I can keep coming on BUS)
:star: a scary book (or a whole stack of them!)

so maybe that's a few more than 5 things (if you want to be picky) but w/e...my suitcase would be more full than all of yours.

I wonder how many people are saying "fine" when they're not.

I think that from now on I'm going to look a little bit deeper...because I'm not the only one.

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Post by treesleeper » Sun Nov 07, 2004 4:27 am

Ooh, a deserted island... that actually sounds kind of nice. Better than here. :wink: I'd bring:

1) my journal so that I could write. Writing is everything to me!

2) My boyfriend. We would have awesome adventures running around, climbing on things and trying to get home somehow. Also he would make me laugh.

3) My Bible

4) My toothbrush (I can't sleep at night if I haven't brushed my teeth)

5) A big knife so that I could make things out of wood and bamboo. (Isn't that what you're supposed to do on an island? Make stuff out of bamboo?)
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Post by original_kido » Sun Nov 07, 2004 4:41 am

1. Stuff to write journal pens stickers
2. Dolls and stuffed friends
3. Music and player (lots of batteries for that lol)
4. My Blankie
5. Letters from Fam and friends
Love Always, Original Kido

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Post by Needles » Sun Nov 07, 2004 2:37 pm

Ok...actually have to think and it's a Sunday - terror in itself!

1 -- a canoe for when I'd had enough
2 -- my guitar
3 -- cigarettes (see my sig.)
4 -- pens and paper
5 -- erm...oooh...my day-to-day diary to remind me what I'm not missing!

Desert Island, sounds pretty neat to me!

Needles 8)
Sometimes people carry to such perfection the mask they have assumed that, in due course they actually become the person they seem.
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Post by Zebraseal » Sun Nov 07, 2004 8:30 pm

:star: My girlfriend
:star: Our cat
:star: Empty books and pens
:star: Lots of things to study and a teacher to make me do it--really, studying calms me down a lot
:star: A nice, warm bed to curl up in when everything else goes wrong
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Post by ChaseThisLight » Sun Nov 07, 2004 9:51 pm

Hmm this is frusterating, because I'd really like to bring a friend, but unless she has 5 things to bring...no way...LOL but assuming she does:

:bluestar:My friend A
:bluestar:My guitar (and pitch pipe, I hate when things aren't in tune)
:bluestar:My doggy
:bluestar:My Bible
:bluestar:Diet Pepsi
Cuz' you know, I don't do sadness

No one controls your destiny. Even at the very worst - there is always choice - Gregory Maguire Wicked


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Post by iamnothing » Sun Nov 07, 2004 11:44 pm

:star: two friends(who i love more than anything and anyone in the world)
:star: music(gives a nice atmosphere)
:star: my bed (so i can lie there and stare at the blue sky)
:star: writing/drawing supplies (if i get bored, nevermind that i'm good at neither)
:star: drugs (well..gotta have some entertainment...)

come t think of it...when do i leave...?

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Post by morganbellamy » Tue Nov 09, 2004 4:14 pm

- my bf -- oops not anymore, in that case betta make it a toothbrush
-laptop inc internet acces, all music, msn etc
-johnny depp (sice bf=toothbrush)
-my camera and several hundred rolls of film.. and possibly a fully functioning, collapsable, environmentaly friendly portable dark room...
-alcohol. and lots of it.
It's as simple as that, you are so beautiful in every dimension

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Post by misery » Sun Apr 24, 2005 9:15 am

:pinkstar: my print outs of images that ive done
:pinkstar: my laptop/computer with photos, photoshop images, music in it
:pinkstar: a big sketch book and a pen
:pinkstar: a bed
:pinkstar: internet connection lol

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Post by BsbOwnsYourMom » Thu Apr 28, 2005 12:36 am

:grnstar: my friend zack
:grnstar: the harry potter series
:grnstar: my ipod
:grnstar: my computer with internet of course
:grnstar: my bed

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Post by neassa » Tue Jun 28, 2005 10:14 pm

:star: my iPod because i cant live without music

:star: laptop because i have tonnes of online friends and to go on BUS

:star: my two diaries (one for good things one for bad things) that the lovely mogget gave me

:star: katie my best friend

:star: a random trashy teen book to help take my mind off bad thoughts

:star: my guitar (and a tuner and lots of plecs)
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Post by balletomane » Wed Jun 29, 2005 5:48 am

:star: iPod
:star:ballet necessities
:star: books
:star: bathing suit


Post by Guest » Wed Jun 29, 2005 12:33 pm

:star: my best friend
:star: my computer
:star: art stuff
:star: my mp3 player
:star: good books


Post by Guest » Wed Jun 29, 2005 9:21 pm

Erm, assuming I have clean water, a shelter, makeup, clothes, food, facilities to wash myself and care for my skin and hair ect.....lol

:star: A computer with net connection, all my music, my pics of friends, and everything else I require from a comp! lol

:star: My Bed and pillows - couldnt live without them

:star: Continual supply of plain and lined paper and pens, pencils, rubers, sharpners and stuff like that...

:star: Lily, Gi, Joel, J, Tim, Dan, my daddy and Will! lol (they all count as one! heehe)

:star: My C and my aunt (who's LIKE another C...)

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