coping questionnaire

tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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Post by cariad » Thu Oct 14, 2004 5:08 pm

coping questionnaire :

Do you use coping methods (healthy ones... ) in combination or just on their own? in combination, usally drawing while listening to music...or talking to a friend while doing something nice to myself, ie in bad with hot water bottle

Name something that helps you to cope beginning with the letter 'A'. Amazing friends

Do you see coping ideas as ways to banish feelings/urges or as a way to process/deal with how you're feeling? deal

What's your favourite coping thing? my girlfriend :D and a cutre little palm size teddy i like to hold

When you're walking and you're nervous/anxious what do you do to cope with that? chew things, fiddle with things in my pockets, listen to music

Describe how you could cope with one piece of paper and one art material of your choice.
draw downs feeling, scribble, write

Do you try to view situations from a different perspective before trying to find something to help you cope? If you do, can you give an example of how you turned it around? no

Have you ever made an emergency book or box? If not, would you like to? i have, it rocks....its more a book than a box but has little pockets with things in and it makes me smile

If I gave you £10 what coping things would you most like to buy?
notebook pen and chewing gum and a small soft teddy to hold

Do you have a portable coping things to put in your bag? If so, what do you have?
i always carry a piee of string, small soft toy, notebook, portable radio.

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Post by Autobot Headline » Thu Oct 14, 2004 9:07 pm

Do you use coping methods (healthy ones... ) in combination or just on their own?
Often in combination... although my kitty has decided that when I use the coping skill of "petting Birdie", it is to be used on its own. She is a little attention fiend! :bcatsmile:

Name something that helps you to cope beginning with the letter 'A'.
Allspark. Transformers fan site... fun distraction, and I have made some wacky friends there.

Do you see coping ideas as ways to banish feelings/urges or as a way to process/deal with how you're feeling?
Both, kind of. Usually it's to distract myself until I feel a little safer and stronger, so that I can feel without losing control.

What's your favourite coping thing?
See questions 1 and 2! :tongue:

When you're walking and you're nervous/anxious what do you do to cope with that?
Go to the "Song Database" in my brain and pull out a really, really angry song... or a nice quiet calm one, depending on the mood that brought on the anxiety.

Describe how you could cope with one piece of paper and one art material of your choice.
I could take an oil pastel and rub it back and forth on... well it would probably have to be cardboard because I would be very forceful. Drawing tornado shapes to show the turmoil inside.

Do you try to view situations from a different perspective before trying to find something to help you cope? If you do, can you give an example of how you turned it around?
Not really... when I am triggered, I can't think that much.

Have you ever made an emergency book or box? If not, would you like to?
I have a notebook that I do a lot of writing in, so I guess that's my emergency book. I would have a box, but Birdie will not stay in it. :bcatsmile:

If I gave you £10 what coping things would you most like to buy?
Well, I'll just say $10 because I have no idea how much £10 would translate to. So... I would probably buy a new cat toy (watching Birdie play with stuff always makes me laugh), maybe some little rubber bouncy balls to throw around, and DEFINITELY some sugary thing because I am still hung up on comfort food.

Do you have a portable coping things to put in your bag? If so, what do you have?
A couple of CDs that get me through when I'm at my lowest, my cell phone to call a friend, and that's about it. Like I said... Birdie will not stay in the bag. :lol:
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Post by Bathelina » Fri Oct 15, 2004 9:28 am

Do you use coping methods (healthy ones... ) in combination or just on their own?
Generally it depends how bad the situation is that I am trying to cope with. Usually I use a mix, but only if one won't work for me.

Name something that helps you to cope beginning with the letter 'A'.
Apples. They're so yummy... :P

Do you see coping ideas as ways to banish feelings/urges or as a way to process/deal with how you're feeling?
Both. They get rid of feelings and they also deal with them... That's a really hard question though.

What's your favourite coping thing?
Well.... there are a few. My favourites are:
:star: The elastic band trick: really does work for me.
:star: Calling up a friend/following my brother around and playing on the XBOX with him.
:star: Doing homework; although I don't tend to do very much of it...
:star: Going on the internet and looking up coping techniques :P
:star: GOING ON BUS!

When you're walking and you're nervous/anxious what do you do to cope with that?
Try to think about other things. Like I think about what I'm going to do when I get to where I'm going; e.g. If I'm going home I plan what I am going to do from the moment I get in. Or I plan conversations with people.... They both work equally well for me because my mind seems to be easily distracted.

Trying to cope with a piece of paper and and an art thing:
I'd draw a picture of.... the sea, I guess. With a water colour pallet.

Do you try to view situations from a different perspective before trying to find something to help you cope? If you do, can you give an example of how you turned it around?
Yes, I do. I usually think: "Wait a second.... This really isn't so much of a big deal." And that seems to work... and things along the lines of that. I just think of the other side of things.

Have you ever made an emergency book or box? If not, would you like to?
I bought a diary but I haven't had much use for it yet...

If I gave you £10 what coping things would you most like to buy?
Fruit and healthy food.

Do you have a portable coping things to put in your bag? If so, what do you have?
My MP3 player and my diary... and some work. That's just about all I need.

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good question

Post by badgirl22 » Fri Oct 15, 2004 9:40 am

Yes I do. I have a whole list from the first DBT module..anyway, the first healthy one I use is 1. take a walk 2. take a bubble bath 3. light a candle and stare at it for 3 minutes then write down what you observe about it 4. watch a funny movie 5. listen to music (oppisite of how u feel) 6. read a good book like (harry potter or something to get you into the story) 6. Make bracelets, 7. post on bus 8. play a boardgame, cardgame, or a game on computer 9. pet puppies (or any animals you have) 10. walk in a square like format, walk in a circle like format, then walk in different shapes (it looks funny but clears head a lot of teh time)
Just remember that your emotions won't last is just how to "get threw them now in the present moment" and how to self sooth when you are feeling really stressed.
Good question.

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Post by khushrenada » Fri Oct 15, 2004 10:16 pm

Do you use coping methods (healthy ones... ) in combination or just on their own?
usually heathly ones on their own

Name something that helps you to cope beginning with the letter 'A'.
uhhhh.... art? like drawing

Do you see coping ideas as ways to banish feelings/urges or as a way to process/deal with how you're feeling?
process, i just push them aside until later

What's your favourite coping thing?
listening to music or playing video games

When you're walking and you're nervous/anxious what do you do to cope with that?
usually when im walking it helps to take my mind off of things

Describe how you could cope with one piece of paper and one art material of your choice.
id use a pencil and id draw.

Do you try to view situations from a different perspective before trying to find something to help you cope? If you do, can you give an example of how you turned it around?
i try, but i cant bs myself when i know id just be lying to myself

Have you ever made an emergency book or box? If not, would you like to?
no, i dont actually know what one is, id like to know what they are

If I gave you £10 what coping things would you most like to buy?
art supplies or music

Do you have a portable coping things to put in your bag? If so, what do you have?
no, but i should really get some

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Post by ru290 » Sat Oct 16, 2004 3:35 pm

Do you use coping methods (healthy ones... ) in combination or just on their own?
i try to use them just one at a time, but it rele depends how urgy i am!

Name something that helps you to cope beginning with the letter 'A'.
ALCOHOL.... :cry: :cry: i wish it wasnt but its too late now, im in... :cry:

Do you see coping ideas as ways to banish feelings/urges or as a way to process/deal with how you're feeling?
deal with how i am feeling AND to help me change my mind about si'ing

What's your favourite coping thing?
seeing people i love asap and knowing that si'ing is making them hurt, and i never want to hurt people i love...also, surrounding myself with people.

Do you try to view situations from a different perspective before trying to find something to help you cope? If you do, can you give an example of how you turned it around?

yes i always try to view things with more than one perspective cos it can change everything, but its not just that easy.

Have you ever made an emergency book or box? If not, would you like to? yes i would like to make an emergency box AND book, but doing that would be like admitting that i have a problem and i dont think that i do, or i do and im just in denial and hate the fact of it.

If I gave you £10 what coping things would you most like to buy?
i wish i could buy love!!!but i cant :( i would buy something beautiful that rele made me appreciate my life and this world and makes me realise what i am doing is selfish.

Do you have a portable coping things to put in your bag? If so, what do you have?
yes i have a list of things to do instead of si.i also always have my mobile (it helps to chat!!)
Love ru x
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Post by Wandering » Thu Dec 23, 2004 3:35 pm

Do you use coping methods (healthy ones... ) in combination or just on their own?
<I>In combination - one very rarely works!</I>

Name something that helps you to cope beginning with the letter 'A'.
<I>I'm gonna have to be boring and say animals - my dog is one of my best ways of coping</I>

Do you see coping ideas as ways to banish feelings/urges or as a way to process/deal with how you're feeling?
<I>The majority just put them out of the way for a bit - they don't really deal with them. However, journalling helps process how I'm feeling - its much more logical once its down on paper</I>

What's your favourite coping thing?
<I>My dog :wink: </I>

When you're walking and you're nervous/anxious what do you do to cope with that?
<I>Try and get my brain to concentrate on something - ie plan out everything I need to do later, or try and work out some rididulous arithmetic. I also try to find something to keep my hands busy - if they have something to hold it makes things easier</I>

Describe how you could cope with one piece of paper and one art material of your choice.
<I>Well I'd have a pencil. And I'd draw how I felt - I'd probably end up drawing my arms and scribbling on them</I>

Do you try to view situations from a different perspective before trying to find something to help you cope? If you do, can you give an example of how you turned it around?
<I>That probably is one of my coping strategies - trying to view it from a friend's point of view and having a sort of discussion with me.</I>

Have you ever made an emergency book or box? If not, would you like to?
<I>I haven't, but probably should. I just havent got any great ideas, and haven't got round to doing one</I>

If I gave you £10 what coping things would you most like to buy?
<I>Some dark chocolate, probably green and blacks. A cd single (whichever I liked at the time). One of those henna tattoo set things</I>

Do you have a portable coping things to put in your bag? If so, what do you have?
<I>Nope. If I'm out, I tend to cope because I'm around other people</I>
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Post by Bo » Thu Dec 23, 2004 7:39 pm

Do you use coping methods (healthy ones... ) in combination or just on their own?
whatever works at the time, usually one at a time tho
Name something that helps you to cope beginning with the letter 'A'.
Do you see coping ideas as ways to banish feelings/urges or as a way to process/deal with how you're feeling?
banish urges not deal
What's your favourite coping thing?
When you're walking and you're nervous/anxious what do you do to cope with that?
talk to myself
Describe how you could cope with one piece of paper and one art material of your choice.
doodle until there was no room left to do so
Do you try to view situations from a different perspective before trying to find something to help you cope? If you do, can you give an example of how you turned it around?
no, i just jump in
Have you ever made an emergency book or box? If not, would you like to?
no, and yes
If I gave you £10 what coping things would you most like to buy?
big notebook and pens
Do you have a portable coping things to put in your bag? If so, what do you have?
my diary and i always carry a pen with me
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Re: coping questionnaire

Post by lilmissme » Tue Jan 04, 2005 12:43 pm

Do you use coping methods (healthy ones... :wink: ) in combination or just on their own? Combination

Name something that helps you to cope beginning with the letter 'A'. pony :)

Do you see coping ideas as ways to banish feelings/urges or as a way to process/deal with how you're feeling? Deal with how i'm feeling

What's your favourite coping thing? Well the negative coping thing is SI...but coping without SI...writing and drawing :) And being with people. I force myself to go and sit in the communal kitchen with my flatmates.

When you're walking and you're nervous/anxious what do you do to cope with that? walk faster, turn my energies into physical exertion

Describe how you could cope with one piece of paper and one art material of your choice. A pencil. I would draw and scribble randomly, and write all the words I am feeling and thinking.

Do you try to view situations from a different perspective before trying to find something to help you cope? If you do, can you give an example of how you turned it around? I try and think about the consequences, and before school placement, how the children in my class would think if they knew I SIed.

Have you ever made an emergency book or box? If not, would you like to? I have a kind of emergency book, I require myself to write in my new journal and think about what i've written for at least 1hr before I SI. My homeopathic stress tablets are my 'coping box'

If I gave you £10 what coping things would you most like to buy? I would buy transport to the stables to go and see my pony. That would help me cope for as long as I was there.

Do you have a portable coping things to put in your bag? If so, what do you have? No I dont....I'm at most when I'm alone in my room
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Post by Mayalaen » Wed Jan 05, 2005 4:03 am

Do you use coping methods (healthy ones... icon_wink.gif ) in combination or just on their own?

Forcing myself to be around family... it keeps me from cutting long enough to get through the worst part most of the time even though being around people is the last thing I feel like doing when I want to cut.

Name something that helps you to cope beginning with the letter 'A'.

Amorphis... it's a group. Music is really a big deal to me and I keep a walkman with me always. Amorphis is one of my favorite groups and so that is on every CD I have made.

Do you see coping ideas as ways to banish feelings/urges or as a way to process/deal with how you're feeling?

Right now they have to be banishing as I am new to working at stopping cutting. Soon I hope they will be a process to dealing with feelings.

What's your favourite coping thing?

Music. Keep it with me all the time and listen to it until I feel better.

When you're walking and you're nervous/anxious what do you do to cope with that?

Try to keep my breaths from getting too short and quick or it just goes out of control into a full-blow panic attack. I also like to feel something that will ground me, like touch something near me and think about how the object feels or smell everything around me and remind myself that everything is real.

Describe how you could cope with one piece of paper and one art material of your choice.

Black marker. I like to just fill the page with black scribbles that look like a big ball of frustration and stuff... like I feel inside.

Do you try to view situations from a different perspective before trying to find something to help you cope? If you do, can you give an example of how you turned it around?

I'm usually not too good in the thinking department when I am in the mood to SI but I am trying to think of different things to help.

Have you ever made an emergency book or box? If not, would you like to?

I haven't done it although it has been suggested to me. I think it sounds kind of childish and don't think I would want to try it because I would feel stupid.

If I gave you £10 what coping things would you most like to buy?

A CD or a notebook and pencil.

Do you have a portable coping things to put in your bag? If so, what do you have?

Yep... the CD walkman. I can listen to it any time I want to and it is discrete so I don't feel stupid taking it out and putting the small headphones on in public situations. Besides... lots of people use them... I just hate to attract attention to myself :oops:
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Post by VowsOfSadness » Thu Jun 23, 2005 4:17 pm

Do you use coping methods (healthy ones... ) in combination or just on their own?
Um I try to do whatever works

Name something that helps you to cope beginning with the letter 'A'.
Acting, recite lines from a poem or play

Do you see coping ideas as ways to banish feelings/urges or as a way to process/deal with how you're feeling?
Its a way for me to deal with overwhelming feelings as they are happening

What's your favourite coping thing?
Talking to Ryan or Sarah using a gumband

When you're walking and you're nervous/anxious what do you do to cope with that?
Take a bath, talk it out, go outside, watch a funny movie

Describe how you could cope with one piece of paper and one art material of your choice.
draw scribblies, write a letter, draw on me

Do you try to view situations from a different perspective before trying to find something to help you cope? If you do, can you give an example of how you turned it around?
I just cope, i try to tell myself all the possibilities

Have you ever made an emergency book or box? If not, would you like to?
Yes, but I do not like them, the emergency book is good not the box

If I gave you £10 what coping things would you most like to buy?
what is that like ten dollars american?, well we'll just pretend it is cuz Im bad at math. I would buy a bag of gumbands (multicolored ones), markers (lotts of them), a fluffy animal

Do you have a portable coping things to put in your bag? If so, what do you have?
Makers, coloring books, gumbands
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Post by DecemberLivy » Thu Jun 23, 2005 5:15 pm

Do you use coping methods (healthy ones... ) in combination or just on their own?


Name something that helps you to cope beginning with the letter 'A'.

not idea

Do you see coping ideas as ways to banish feelings/urges or as a way to process/deal with how you're feeling?

process and deal, i try to calm myself down and work things through

What's your favourite coping thing?

paper and pen, so i can write, scribble, draw, doodle about anything in my head at the moment

When you're walking and you're nervous/anxious what do you do to cope with that?

i'd take deep breaths, try and reassure myself, listen to some music

Describe how you could cope with one piece of paper and one art material of your choice.

just a pen or pencil. i'd just write and scibble and draw eveything that i felt

Do you try to view situations from a different perspective before trying to find something to help you cope? If you do, can you give an example of how you turned it around?

cant think of anything right now

Have you ever made an emergency book or box? If not, would you like to?

i have a box under my bed. it has candles, some of my favorite CD's, a notepad and pens and pencils, and some chocolate

If I gave you £10 what coping things would you most like to buy?

probably a really thick bad of paper and a set of pens and lots of chocolate

Do you have a portable coping things to put in your bag? If so, what do you have?

my cd player, notebook and pen, chocolate
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Post by Addygrl » Wed Dec 28, 2005 3:25 am

I know this is an old thread, but I thought it could be beneficial to fill out, as well as a coping method in itself :D

Do you use coping methods (healthy ones... ) in combination or just on their own?
- I use them often on their own, though listening to music I've found to be helpful, and I'll sometimes listen to music while drawing or while hugging a stuffed animal

Name something that helps you to cope beginning with the letter 'A'.
- Lets see...Animals (my cat, normally not affectionate, came and cuddled with me when I was feeling urgy...but stuffed animals also work), Art (both playing music on the piano and drawing/painting), Aerobic behaviors (especially running)...I think that all I've got for now

Do you see coping ideas as ways to banish feelings/urges or as a way to process/deal with how you're feeling?
- I generally see them as a way to express my feelings without SI, which doesn't always mean processing, but at least admitting they're there

What's your favourite coping thing?
- My favorite is probably art expressions. Playing the piano usually is really helpful, but I have to be feeling okay enough to have the motivation. When I'm really bad, one of the most effective is to draw on myself with a red marker

When you're walking and you're nervous/anxious what do you do to cope with that?
- Listening to my Ipod is really helpful if I have that, since songs can distract me from my problems. I also sometimes will count my steps, focus on my breathing, or focusing on phrases like "this will pass" (thanks to the therapist for giving me that one)

Describe how you could cope with one piece of paper and one art material of your choice.
- If I'm feeling really urgy, my art material of choice would be oil pastels. Sometimes drawing an arm with cuts on it is helpful. What I've been doing lately is drawing a really big open cut, and then turning it into something pretty, like a gorgeous evening dress or a christmas ornament. When I'm done it doesn't look at all like a cut and I guess its sort of showing myself that there are other ways of expressing myself...not sure if that makes sense...but there it is :-?

Do you try to view situations from a different perspective before trying to find something to help you cope? If you do, can you give an example of how you turned it around?
- A lot of times when I start getting upset about something I'll try to focus on the temporary nature of whatever it is, or convince myself that it really isn't that big of a deal

Have you ever made an emergency book or box? If not, would you like to?
- I haven't made one of these but I'd like to. Right now my drawer beside my bed is where I keep all my art supplies, but I'd like to have things besides art stuff to help me otu

If I gave you £10 what coping things would you most like to buy?
- Well....I think thats about $ I'd buy new piano music probably, since concentrating on learning something new can be really helpful and distracting for a long, its something that gets me out of my room. With any money left over I'd buy a really good easy read book.

Do you have a portable coping things to put in your bag? If so, what do you have?
- The only things I carry around that can be somewhat helpful are a book (just something that can distract me from the world for a while), and a stone heart thing that my friend gave me that reminds me of my friends

Its funny, but all this coping stuff forces you to spend time on yourself, which I think is a really good thing :)
"Befriending a depressed person is a bit like hugging a porcupine. It might be painful, but that doesn't mean that the porcupine needs the hug any less"

My Page of Artwork (*SI Trigs*):

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Post by katja » Sat Dec 31, 2005 4:29 pm

Do you use coping methods (healthy ones... ) in combination or just on their own?

Name something that helps you to cope beginning with the letter 'A'. "ALICE IN WONDERLAND

Do you see coping ideas as ways to banish feelings/urges or as a way to process/deal with how you're feeling? DEAL WITH HOW IM FEELING

What's your favourite coping thing? MY DIARY

When you're walking and you're nervous/anxious what do you do to cope with that? CRYSTALS (THE MAGIC KIND)

Describe how you could cope with one piece of paper and one art material of your choice. PENCILS< I DRAW WHAT HAS UPSET ME

Do you try to view situations from a different perspective before trying to find something to help you cope? If you do, can you give an example of how you turned it around? I HAVE TO KEEP A BOX I WRITE DOWN WHATS HAPPENED< WHAT I THOUGHT< HOW I REACTED AND THEN LATER HOW I SHOULD HAVE REACTED

Have you ever made an emergency book or box? If not, would you like to? NO< MAYBE

If I gave you £10 what coping things would you most like to buy? LIPGLOSS, ART STUFF

Do you have a portable coping things to put in your bag? If so, what do you have? NO

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Post by PurplePixie » Sat Feb 04, 2006 9:01 am

Do you use coping methods (healthy ones... ) in combination or just on their own? I use anything I can think of at the time, i suppose in a combination if i choose to draw and watch tv or a dvd
Name something that helps you to cope beginning with the letter 'A'.

Do you see coping ideas as ways to banish feelings/urges or as a way to process/deal with how you're feeling? I use them as a way to cope with how I feel at that pasrticular moment
What's your favourite coping thing?

When you're walking and you're nervous/anxious what do you do to cope with that? i just try to breathe deeply in and out, or I sing to myself in my head :tongue:

Describe how you could cope with one piece of paper and one art material of your choice. Well I would probably want a black pen, I would draw anything it doesn't matter and then write how i feel around it
Do you try to view situations from a different perspective before trying to find something to help you cope? If you do, can you give an example of how you turned it around? No i normally get bogged down with the overwhelming feeling of "aaaaaah I cant do this"

Have you ever made an emergency book or box? If not, would you like to? I have thought about it, and yes I would like to

If I gave you £10 what coping things would you most like to buy? sparkly pens, coloured paper, a box, a photo album, stickers, a blank cd, little toys
Do you have a portable coping things to put in your bag? If so, what do you have? my ipod, pens, a small note book, elastic bands

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Post by Surly » Wed Feb 08, 2006 1:16 pm

Do you use coping methods (healthy ones... ) in combination or just on their own?
On their own I guess... I haven't really thought about it... Yeah, on their own. Except that I nearly always have music on in the background..

Name something that helps you to cope beginning with the letter 'A'.
Alcohol :oops:

Do you see coping ideas as ways to banish feelings/urges or as a way to process/deal with how you're feeling?
Sometimes, a lot of the time I do things unconciously, like change the music Im listning to, or start singing.

What's your favourite coping thing?
My friends. Or, rather, my phone, for called my friends. (I freak when I run out of credit.)

When you're walking and you're nervous/anxious what do you do to cope with that?
I try to hold my head high and give the impression that Im not scared of anyone or anything

Describe how you could cope with one piece of paper and one art material of your choice.
I would fill the paper with how I felt, whether in poetry, scribbles or plain ol' writing.

Do you try to view situations from a different perspective before trying to find something to help you cope? If you do, can you give an example of how you turned it around?
I do that if Im su, I think about how it would be for my friends or family. It stops me.

Have you ever made an emergency book or box? If not, would you like to?
I have a diary...

If I gave you £10 what coping things would you most like to buy?
Two packets of cigarettes... :oops:

Do you have a portable coping things to put in your bag? If so, what do you have?
My ipod, my phone, my cigarettes.
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Post by Copasetic » Thu Feb 09, 2006 7:49 am

Do you use coping methods (healthy ones... ) in combination or just on their own?
I usually go through phases with them... so rarely in combination, but occasionally I do.

Name something that helps you to cope beginning with the letter 'A'.
Sadly, alcohol helps me. But on a healthier note... so does activity - when I'm overly busy I focus more on tasks...

Do you see coping ideas as ways to banish feelings/urges or as a way to process/deal with how you're feeling?
A bit of both, depending on the coping method.

What's your favourite coping thing?
My friends, my music collection.

When you're walking and you're nervous/anxious what do you do to cope with that?
Run instead of walk, turn my headphones up load, count things in my head.

Describe how you could cope with one piece of paper and one art material of your choice.
I'd doodle or write with a pen.

Do you try to view situations from a different perspective before trying to find something to help you cope? If you do, can you give an example of how you turned it around?
I wish I could, but usually I have a one-track mind...

Have you ever made an emergency book or box? If not, would you like to?
No... and I probably wouldn't because I would feel funny explaining it to someone if it was found.

If I gave you £10 what coping things would you most like to buy?
A book, a CD or some plain picture frames and paint :)

Do you have a portable coping things to put in your bag? If so, what do you have?
Pens and paper, I always have music with me, a book, gum.
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Post by BlackKat13 » Thu Feb 09, 2006 9:12 am

Do you use coping methods (healthy ones... ) in combination or just on their own?

It depends on the situation, but yes, sometimes I combine them.

Name something that helps you to cope beginning with the letter 'A'.

Do you see coping ideas as ways to banish feelings/urges or as a way to process/deal with how you're feeling?
A way to deal with them...I would not want to be completely void of feelings. My feelings are natural. I just don't want my feelings to control me.

What's your favourite coping thing?
Yoga and meditation

When you're walking and you're nervous/anxious what do you do to cope with that?
Get out my MP3 player, stick the headphones in my ears, select a few songs, and walk to the beat of the music.

Describe how you could cope with one piece of paper and one art material of your choice.
A peice of paper and a charcoal pencil...I like to sketch faces, capture expressions. If there are no people, I like to just sketch a face from a magazine or a photo...I like sketching himan expressions. I like charcoal because i like how I am able to shadow with it.

Do you try to view situations from a different perspective before trying to find something to help you cope? If you do, can you give an example of how you turned it around?
Yes, I never try to jump to conclusions...I always try to veiw every perspective...There is a situation I am currently involved in where this has been an issue, but I'd perfrer to not go into great depth about it because it is a very very long and complicated story, and it would take ages to explain the background between this particular situation...

Have you ever made an emergency book or box? If not, would you like to?

Yes, I have one. Now, I kind of have my "Emergency bag"...I have a courier bad that I carry with me everywhere I go, with things like books to read, my bible, my MP3 player, a journal, and coloured pens. (I also carry all the normal things you'd keep in a purse)

If I gave you £10 what coping things would you most like to buy? Art supplies

Do you have a portable coping things to put in your bag? If so, what do you have? See the question above the last...Also, on occasion, I have been known to carry silly putty when I know I will be in a nerve-wracking situation.
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Re: coping questionnaire

Post by angel2262 » Tue Feb 14, 2006 3:07 am

Do you use coping methods (healthy ones... :wink: ) in combination or just on their own?
I try to write or talk about my problems before and afterwards. And think of my frineds.

Name something that helps you to cope beginning with the letter 'A'.
A long sleep

Do you see coping ideas as ways to banish feelings/urges or as a way to process/deal with how you're feeling?
Sometimes if I think of my friends I stop.

What's your favourite coping thing?
Thinking about what I'm doing and writting about it.

When you're walking and you're nervous/anxious what do you do to cope with that?
Just walk faster and call my mother or a friend

Describe how you could cope with one piece of paper and one art material of your choice.
I would write about my problems and ask myself what is going on and what triggered it and what the aftermath is.

Do you try to view situations from a different perspective before trying to find something to help you cope? If you do, can you give an example of how you turned it around?
I go on the computer and try to surf the net to change my mind

Have you ever made an emergency book or box? If not, would you like to?
I have a first aid kit but that is for emergency's I respond to or come upon... I would like to make one with a jurnal, first aid supplies, and a feel good thing like a note from myself or candy or something
If I gave you £10 what coping things would you most like to buy? :uhhh:

Do you have a portable coping things to put in your bag? If so, what do you have?

All I have is my cell to text my friends.
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Coping skills

Post by Candy » Wed Aug 09, 2006 6:19 am

coping questionnaire :

Do you use coping methods (healthy ones... ) in combination or just on their own? talk to my friends,and boy-friend,walking and writing my feeling down

Name something that helps you to cope beginning with the letter 'A'. art

Do you see coping ideas as ways to banish feelings/urges or as a way to process/deal with how you're feeling?yes, I do,but it is not easy for me What's your favourite coping thing? walking, my journal

When you're walking and you're nervous/anxious what do you do to cope with that? deep breathe and think of positive things in my life

Describe how you could cope with one piece of paper and one art material of your choice. write how I am feeling and what would happen if I did SH afterwards and how I would feel

Do you try to view situations from a different perspective before trying to find something to help you cope? If you do, can you give an example of how you turned it around? No it is not easy for for me Have you ever made an emergency book or box? If not, would you like to? No, I have not,would like to do that

If I gave you £10 what coping things would you most like to buy? art supplies

Do you have a portable coping things to put in your bag? If so, what do you have? No, I do not, I need to get one

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