coping questionnaire

tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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coping questionnaire

Post by limestone » Fri Aug 27, 2004 1:58 pm

coping questionnaire : :)

Do you use coping methods (healthy ones... :wink: ) in combination or just on their own? :uhhh:

Name something that helps you to cope beginning with the letter 'A'.

Do you see coping ideas as ways to banish feelings/urges or as a way to process/deal with how you're feeling? :uhhh:

What's your favourite coping thing? :uhhh:

When you're walking and you're nervous/anxious what do you do to cope with that? :uhhh:

Describe how you could cope with one piece of paper and one art material of your choice.

Do you try to view situations from a different perspective before trying to find something to help you cope? If you do, can you give an example of how you turned it around? :uhhh:

Have you ever made an emergency book or box? If not, would you like to? :uhhh:

If I gave you £10 what coping things would you most like to buy? :uhhh:

Do you have a portable coping things to put in your bag? If so, what do you have? :uhhh:

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Last edited by limestone on Fri Aug 27, 2004 2:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by pretty » Fri Aug 27, 2004 2:20 pm

<b>Do you use coping methods (healthy ones... ) in combination or just on their own? </b>
I try to, generaly just one at a time.

<b>Name something that helps you to cope beginning with the letter 'A'. </b>
:-? Can't think of anything. I used to use alcohol, but that's bad.

<b>Do you see coping ideas as ways to banish feelings/urges or as a way to process/deal with how you're feeling?</b>
Different coping strategies do different things. I like the ones that deal with feelings and deal with stuff best. Otherwise the urge just comes back later.

<b>What's your favourite coping thing? </b>
Music and/or writing letters.

<b>When you're walking and you're nervous/anxious what do you do to cope with that? </b>
When I'm feeling like that, I make sure I have my walkman and some loud music with me.

<b>Describe how you could cope with one piece of paper and one art material of your choice. </b>
A pen. I'd write, either just writ out my feelings or write a letter to myself or another relavent person about it.

<b>Do you try to view situations from a different perspective before trying to find something to help you cope? If you do, can you give an example of how you turned it around? </b>
Nope, but I should. I find this very hard. I find it hard to step back from what I'm feeling and look at it a different way.

<b>Have you ever made an emergency book or box? If not, would you like to? </b>
I made an emergency box, and I need to get into the habit of using it. at the moment it just sits on the shelf.

<b>If I gave you £10 what coping things would you most like to buy? </b>
A cd, though it'd have to be a cheap one. Music is my absolute coping thing to buy.

<b>Do you have a portable coping things to put in your bag? If so, what do you have? </b>
My walkman is really important, I'm trying to think of something else I can carry to help me cope but that's it right now.
Last edited by pretty on Fri Aug 27, 2004 2:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by jaded melody » Fri Aug 27, 2004 2:20 pm

Here's my answers:

1. I use coping methods in combinations mostly, or in sequence.

2. Athlete- a band i love to listen to.

3. Coping methods are all different, some help calm you down and comfort you and others help you deal with your feelings.

4. I turn on the shower, really hot and really strong and then sit in the bathtub with the water running over me. it feels so nice. Sometimes i write on myself lots of bad feelings and feeling them washed away is really comforting.

5. I find walking really therapeutic. If im sad n im going home from school or something ill walk rather than take the bus to give myself time to think things through.

6. Id write a poem or a song. Or i could write down all my feelings. Id say id draw something but that tends to frustrate me and make me feel like whatever i just drew was rubbish and makes me feel talentless

7. No, my emotions are normally running to high for any rationalising.

8. Im making an emergency box, its not finished yet though.

9. Id buy a beautiful notebook (to write thoughts and songs in) or a CD of music i loved.

10. Yes. I carry around rubber bands, and a notebook to write things down in, like songs and poems and thoughts.

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Post by Illumina » Fri Aug 27, 2004 2:26 pm

Do you use coping methods (healthy ones... ) in combination or just on their own? Noramlly I have to try several before I calm down, so in combination I guess.

Name something that helps you to cope beginning with the letter 'A'. Animals. How cliche!

Do you see coping ideas as ways to banish feelings/urges or as a way to process/deal with how you're feeling? I the short term it's just about here and now, and getting the urge to subside. But in the long term coping tools are about dealing with the route of your feelings, and ultimately moving on from them.

What's your favourite coping thing? Writing.

When you're walking and you're nervous/anxious what do you do to cope with that? This is going to sound ridiculous, but hell, it works. I basically try to really feel my body, listen to my heart beat and my breathing, feel the pressure on my feet ect. It soons brings me back down to reality.

Describe how you could cope with one piece of paper and one art material of your choice. Charcoal is amazing, because you can draw and smudge and generally make a hell of a mess, and in the end it tends to actually look quite funky. Nice to see something in black and white (ie simple) sometimes also.

Do you try to view situations from a different perspective before trying to find something to help you cope? If you do, can you give an example of how you turned it around? I would lvoe to be able to do this, unfortunately it's really not a strong point of mine.

Have you ever made an emergency book or box? If not, would you like to? I actually haven't. I started to, but somehow the process of making it started to make me feel hopeless and urgy, so I put it away for another time. Maybe I'll start again soon.

If I gave you £10 what coping things would you most like to buy? Music! I like to have CDs that suit every mood.

Do you have a portable coping things to put in your bag? If so, what do you have? I have a notebook and pen just to generally write down whatever the hell I'm feeling. And a stress toy - it's a peice of wood cut a bit like a mushroom, and it has loads of different textures ect, it's something to keep my hands occupied really.
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Re: coping questionnaire

Post by limestone » Fri Aug 27, 2004 2:32 pm

Do you use coping methods (healthy ones... :wink: ) in combination or just on their own?

usually on their own I think

Name something that helps you to cope beginning with the letter 'A'


Do you see coping ideas as ways to banish feelings/urges or as a way to process/deal with how you're feeling?


What's your favourite coping thing?

making emergency books - I love the energy that surrounds it.

When you're walking and you're nervous/anxious what do you do to cope with that?

recite times tables :oops: I forgot them, so I relearned them this summer - amazing how you can go for a few years without them... :o

Describe how you could cope with one piece of paper and one art material of your choice.

scribble with a red pastel on the paper untill you get little pools of dust everywhere

Do you try to view situations from a different perspective before trying to find something to help you cope? If you do, can you give an example of how you turned it around?

sometimes I try to. an example would be...instead of thinking 'i've annoyed somebody' I can apologise/check if I did the next time I see them.

Have you ever made an emergency book or box? If not, would you like to?

yes I have one but I don't use it. :oops: It sits there waiting for the big emergency. I worry that I can't use it for little things. So I'm working on that.

If I gave you £10 what coping things would you most like to buy?

um, a small soft toy keyring - it's a rabbit one, that I saw this week, and some cards - arty ones.

Do you have a portable coping things to put in your bag? If so, what do you have?

yes, an inspirational card about faith and umbrellas. and usually some paper to write with.

thanks to everyone who has replied so far :blush:

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Post by sassy koala » Fri Aug 27, 2004 4:56 pm

Do you use coping methods (healthy ones... ) in combination or just on their own?
mmmm...on their own

Name something that helps you to cope beginning with the letter 'A'.
being asleep

Do you see coping ideas as ways to banish feelings/urges or as a way to process/deal with how you're feeling?
a way to deal with how I'm feeling

What's your favourite coping thing?
eating :(

When you're walking and you're nervous/anxious what do you do to cope with that?
usually shake my hands

Describe how you could cope with one piece of paper and one art material of your choice.
I'd use a colored pencil and color

Do you try to view situations from a different perspective before trying to find something to help you cope? If you do, can you give an example of how you turned it around?
yes, but I have to talk myself through it. no example right now

Have you ever made an emergency book or box? If not, would you like to?
I made a book, but have failed to look at it.

If I gave you £10 what coping things would you most like to buy?
markers, crayons, coloring stuff and books

Do you have a portable coping things to put in your bag? If so, what do you have?
no, unless you count bubble gum. It does help some

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Re: coping questionnaire

Post by Laura » Fri Aug 27, 2004 6:07 pm

Do you use coping methods (healthy ones... :wink: ) in combination or just on their own? :uhhh:
In combination - like there are some that you have to put in place before the urge to SI arrives, like counting days, carrying around lists of questions or strategies or phone numbers, keeping SI stuff inaccessible. And also when the urge hits, I might listen to suitable music while writing about how I feel or scribbling on myself in red or whatever.

Name something that helps you to cope beginning with the letter 'A'.
Answering the Listening to Urges questions and Kharre's questions.
I also find Animals and being Asleep are good!

Do you see coping ideas as ways to banish feelings/urges or as a way to process/deal with how you're feeling? :uhhh:
That's interesting. Some of the strategies, like the questions and stuff, do help me to process how I'm feeling, but I find that while they give me understanding they don't necessarily make it hurt less. Sometimes things like writing on myself in red work better by dissipating some of the self-hate. But anything that causes me to delay SI is of some help.

What's your favourite coping thing? :uhhh:
Stroking a cat is the best, only I don't always have one :cat2:
Posting on BUS is next :geek:
If I can't do that, then a warm drink and some music. :java:

When you're walking and you're nervous/anxious what do you do to cope with that? :uhhh:
Um, I talk to myself :oops: Like, I mutter under my breath "It's alright, it's ok, sshh you're alright - no! she needs to cut herself! - no I don't, shut up, it's ok..." I don't say it out loud, but my lips move, so I suppose people in the street think I'm mad. :owink:

Describe how you could cope with one piece of paper and one art material of your choice.
Nice question! :D
I'd ask for a red ballpoint pen and write words on my skin with that. Then I'd tear the paper into a square shape and carefully make an origami bird.

Do you try to view situations from a different perspective before trying to find something to help you cope? If you do, can you give an example of how you turned it around? :uhhh:
Hmm, well sometimes I fill in a "Thought Challenge Worksheet", which gives me a different perspective. It doesn't seem to make me feel better though, it just changes the feeling from "I'm evil" (say) to something less irrational but still hurtful like "I'm nasty to others".

Have you ever made an emergency book or box? If not, would you like to? :uhhh:
I've made an emergency tape. I'd like to make a box, one day I'll get round to it. :blush:

If I gave you £10 what coping things would you most like to buy? :uhhh:
A really big cuddly toy, big enough to hug properly. I have a panda like that at my mum's, am a bit too embarrassed to ask to take it though :oops:

Do you have a portable coping things to put in your bag? If so, what do you have? :uhhh:
I have lots of lists! Coping strategies (not the vast list but a smaller subset that I'm most likely to use), thought challenge worksheets, the two lists of questions to answer, a list of phone numbers, my list of reasons for wanting to stop SI. If I know I might be in a difficult situation, I also take my emergency tapes and walkman, or a small cuddly toy.
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Thanks for this post, Limestone, it's a very imaginative way to look at how I cope.
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Re: coping questionnaire

Post by littlethings » Fri Aug 27, 2004 7:36 pm

Do you use coping methods (healthy ones... :wink: ) in combination or just on their own?
It depends. Usually I do one at a time, but end up using several in a sequence. Sometimes I do things together, such as rant while tearing up cardboard or writing while listening to calming music.
Name something that helps you to cope beginning with the letter 'A'.
Art of course. :)
Do you see coping ideas as ways to banish feelings/urges or as a way to process/deal with how you're feeling?

Both. Sometimes I use distractions to get away from urgest, but most of the time I try to write it out and process how I'm feeling.
What's your favourite coping thing?

Thing? cat/s
When you're walking and you're nervous/anxious what do you do to cope with that?
I talk to myself too...or I just freak out and don't cope. Sometimes I sit down and try to breathe, or end up leaning against a wall or ducking in somewhere.
Describe how you could cope with one piece of paper and one art material of your choice.
fingerpaints. Normally I do art with mixed media or when I paint I use brushes, but when you need to feel and express, fingerpaints work like a charm.
Do you try to view situations from a different perspective before trying to find something to help you cope? If you do, can you give an example of how you turned it around?

No I don't. I did this question last because I wanted to think of a way to say yes, but really I don't. I freak out and go straight to coping. Although sometimes coping is trying to separate what I percieve from what is real.
Have you ever made an emergency book or box? If not, would you like to?
I started one but my cats...played with it. See thread: On Cats & Emergency Boxes:roll: I need to re-make it.
If I gave you £10 what coping things would you most like to buy?[/url] That's like $15-20 US right? Probably a nice notebook and some pens. I have some, but you never have enough.
Do you have a portable coping things to put in your bag? If so, what do you have?
Not a healthy one. Sometimes I play with my make-up when I'm anxious.


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Post by yellowdreams » Fri Aug 27, 2004 7:39 pm

I'm recovering now, so a lot of this will be in the past tense.

Do you use coping methods (healthy ones... ) in combination or just on their own?
It depends on the situation. When I first stopped SI'ing, I think I used them on their own. The longer I was free the more I came to realise that to really 'cope' and 'cope' in the long term, rather than just the short term, I needed to use a variety of methods to really get me through tricky situations.

Name something that helps you to cope beginning with the letter 'A'.
Ambition - I need a clear set of goals and the drive to achieve them to stop me feeling depressed and 'lost' in life.

Do you see coping ideas as ways to banish feelings/urges or as a way to process/deal with how you're feeling?
banish feelings/urges. As I said before, to deal with emotions and feelings you need to completely change your life.

What's your favourite coping thing?
favourite - renting a really easy-to-watch comedy and 'forcing' myself to laugh. Most effective coping method was ***slight SI***

gently touching my thigh with a pair of scissors. No cut, no mark, but I felt it.

end spoiler*
I would only have to do it once or twice.

When you're walking and you're nervous/anxious what do you do to cope with that?
Fill my mind with a list of things I need to do later that day.

Describe how you could cope with one piece of paper and one art material of your choice.
Using a piece of paper and a pencil, I would doodle until the page was full.

Do you try to view situations from a different perspective before trying to find something to help you cope? If you do, can you give an example of how you turned it around?
I do now and I think that is how I've managed to break the cycle. I began to see coping as not good enough and I needed to sort out the underlying issues. I didn't to just stick a plaster over the problem, to coin a metaphor.

Have you ever made an emergency book or box? If not, would you like to?
I had two boxes. One was an emergency kit with the 'things I need after I have SI'ed' in it. The other was a coping kit, with a tape of happy songs, photos of my family, a cigarette, lipstick, a photo of the children I teach and my firend's telephone number.

If I gave you £10 what coping things would you most like to buy?
10 cigarettes, a bar of chocolate, 2 cinema tickets for me and a friend.

Do you have a portable coping things to put in your bag? If so, what do you have?
I used to take my scissors (I didn't use these to SI-see above), lipstick (always makes me feel better about myself), my phone (to contact friends/family).
As of November 1st 2011 - 8 years of no SI!

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Post by Kinniku Mantaro » Tue Sep 07, 2004 8:47 pm

Do you use coping methods (healthy ones... ) in combination or just on their own?
On their own.

Name something that helps you to cope beginning with the letter 'A'.
Strange as it may sound, alphabetising cd's or video's.

Do you see coping ideas as ways to banish feelings/urges or as a way to process/deal with how you're feeling?
Banishing urges.

What's your favourite coping thing?
Drawing or writing.

When you're walking and you're nervous/anxious what do you do to cope with that?
Counting to ten and back to zero.

Describe how you could cope with one piece of paper and one art material of your choice.
I'd probably doodle or draw something abtsract

Do you try to view situations from a different perspective before trying to find something to help you cope? If you do, can you give an example of how you turned it around?
I usually try and see if the situation can harm me or not - as a means of trying to calm myself.

Have you ever made an emergency book or box? If not, would you like to?
Never have - and I probably wouldn't in future either.

If I gave you £10 what coping things would you most like to buy?
I'd probably save it for another day.

Do you have a portable coping things to put in your bag? If so, what do you have?
Portable coping things? I couldn't give an answer that doesn't involve a s/h tool. . .
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Post by XclippedXwingsX » Tue Sep 07, 2004 10:40 pm

Do you use coping methods (healthy ones... ) in combination or just on their own?

Well... writing stories and poetry and songs are pretty much under one thing... but I guess a combination. I dunno lol.

Name something that helps you to cope beginning with the letter 'A'.

AOL (haha)

Do you see coping ideas as ways to banish feelings/urges or as a way to process/deal with how you're feeling?

a process to deal with how I feel when I get the urge...

What's your favourite coping thing?

Writing poetry/stories/songs... basically the same things... bc they're all writing... Also painting is close second.

When you're walking and you're nervous/anxious what do you do to cope with that?

Taking a nap as stupid as it sounds. but it works for me...

Describe how you could cope with one piece of paper and one art material of your choice.

Well I'd either just write out a poem/story/or song on the paper with a pencil or I would finger paint on the paper with my paints. muwaha. I love finger painting. Very childish but it's so fun... i love it!

Do you try to view situations from a different perspective before trying to find something to help you cope? If you do, can you give an example of how you turned it around?

uhm no... I just use my coping methods when I feel something wanting me to SI or ED

Have you ever made an emergency book or box? If not, would you like to?

No... never have... I just have my paints, my music, my notebooks, and my pencils. I don't need a box or a book when I have my coping methods with me always.

If I gave you £10 what coping things would you most like to buy?

A CD.... Music is the best therapy in the world.

Do you have a portable coping things to put in your bag? If so, what do you have?

A pencil and a notebook if those count. I always carry those with me. I just never know when I'll never to fight an urge.

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Post by natz » Tue Sep 07, 2004 11:21 pm

1. either, generally i just look for anything else to do to keep me busy

2. art

3. banish feelings... or at least reduce them to a safe level

4. anything that keeps my mind busy, crosswords, question things like this one... i like to day dream though, concentrating on different nicer thoughts removes the negative ones

5. i talk to myself in my mind, saying it will be ok and to calm or i hold something, i have a key ring on my bag i hold tightly when nervous, that seems to help

6. i'd draw these weird shaped figures that represent the different things i'm feeling... i'd use a 2B pencil most likely if non at hand oil pastels because you can smudge them with your fingers and really express yourself

7. i always look at everything from different perspectives... i don't feel like giving a set example... i just usually imagine my actions from other peoples point of view and try to feel what they would

8. If not, would you like to? no real emergency book or box. i wouldn't have one either i don't think i would use it ever.

9. i guess this can only be healthy answers... art materials most likely, i'd buy the biggest £10 canvas so i could cover it in paint and take all the emotions out on it

10. no not exactly, i wear elastic bands... work a charm when you have the urge. also keep select texts on my phone to read back whenever i feel low or anxious :)
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Post by scarlit_sky » Wed Sep 08, 2004 5:00 am

Do you use coping methods (healthy ones... ) in combination or just on their own?
normally on their own, i come here, or i write, or i play one of my hand held games, but right now I am here and looking through my emergency box

Name something that helps you to cope beginning with the letter 'A'.
this is a hard one, ummmmm, maybe....... oh I know...... art, i like to draw, i'm not very good, but it's fun and makes me feel better

Do you see coping ideas as ways to banish feelings/urges or as a way to process/deal with how you're feeling?
not really, i see them as ways to get me from one minute to another without SIing (does that make sense?)

What's your favourite coping thing?
writing, poetry mainly, but i have had a severe mental block for about a month now, it's really annoying

When you're walking and you're nervous/anxious what do you do to cope with that?
(i read this like i was walking on campus, so my answer will be based on that) i would go to the Union (a building on campus that has restuarants and places to study) and just stay there and wait it out or go to the Counceling Center on campus, and sit in their waiting room until i calm down

Describe how you could cope with one piece of paper and one art material of your choice.
i would use an art pen, and i would just write down words like "safe", "calm", and "stay present" all over the paper

Do you try to view situations from a different perspective before trying to find something to help you cope? If you do, can you give an example of how you turned it around?
never tried that, and i don't really understand what is meant by it

Have you ever made an emergency book or box? If not, would you like to?
yes i do, but the problem is that i am rarely around it when i get the urge (I have the box open right now, though)

If I gave you £10 what coping things would you most like to buy?
don't know how much that is, i'm from the US, but i would prolly buy a stressball or worry stone

Do you have a portable coping things to put in your bag? If so, what do you have?
yes, i have a shell and a coconut seed that my therapist gave me, i use them kind of like worry stones mainly to keep myself from dissociating

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Post by joanthegoat » Wed Sep 08, 2004 5:52 am

coping questionnaire :

Do you use coping methods (healthy ones... ) in combination or just on their own?

i think just on their own

Name something that helps you to cope beginning with the letter 'A'.

animals--i love playing with my toy poodle

Do you see coping ideas as ways to banish feelings/urges or as a way to process/deal with how you're feeling?

usually i see them as a way to suppress urges (so probably the first, although i think the latter of the two is better and i am trying to work toward that)

What's your favourite coping thing?

stupid/funny movies like the three amigos and what about bob

When you're walking and you're nervous/anxious what do you do to cope with that?

talk to myself or count my steps

Describe how you could cope with one piece of paper and one art material of your choice.

i like to draw. i try to draw from life (although it usually ends up looking downright cartoonish) and then write all over my drawing.

Do you try to view situations from a different perspective before trying to find something to help you cope? If you do, can you give an example of how you turned it around?

if it is an altercation involving other people, i try to see things from other points of view before i overreact . . . but usually i still blow up about it, so i better not give an example. :blush:

Have you ever made an emergency book or box? If not, would you like to?

no. it seems too ritual for it to actually work for me.

If I gave you £10 what coping things would you most like to buy?

a composition notebook, a cool pen and a ginger ale

Do you have a portable coping things to put in your bag? If so, what do you have?

books, paper and pens. . . really that is all i need. i used to carry my camera around too, but alas, it got stolen.
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Post by Beta328 » Thu Sep 09, 2004 2:10 am

Do you use coping methods (healthy ones... ) in combination or just on their own?

Depends on what I need at the time...I'll start with one, and continue to something else if it's not effective in that situation.

Name something that helps you to cope beginning with the letter 'A'.

Ani Difranco- her music helps sometimes, depending on my mood. It reminds me of really great times in my life...

Do you see coping ideas as ways to banish feelings/urges or as a way to process/deal with how you're feeling?

Definitely a way to process and deal....well, I think that's what they should do anyway.

What's your favourite coping thing?

Writing...and spoiling myself :warm shower, hot tea, etc.

When you're walking and you're nervous/anxious what do you do to cope with that?

Hmmm. Not sure.

Describe how you could cope with one piece of paper and one art material of your choice.

A felt tip pen. I'd of conscious stuff...just write and write and write.

Do you try to view situations from a different perspective before trying to find something to help you cope? If you do, can you give an example of how you turned it around?

I'm working on it, but I have trouble stepping back.....

Have you ever made an emergency book or box? If not, would you like to?

Yeah, I have made a box....tho I don't implement it like I should.

If I gave you £10 what coping things would you most like to buy?

Not sure how much that is...but, probably a pack of cigarettes and a cup of coffee...not healthy, I know! :-? ...short term satisfaction!

Do you have a portable coping things to put in your bag? If so, what do you have?

Not really. For some reason, my makeup helps me feel better, and I carry that with me. Other than that, just my cigs and my phone to talk to my girl when I have time between appointments. Sometimes I carry a rubber band with me, too.

"It's a shallow life that doesn't give a person a few scars."

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Post by Beta328 » Thu Sep 09, 2004 2:15 am

wow. I just posted my answers (before I read other ppl's) and I'm surprised at how many ppl mentioned makeup :roll: hmmm
"It's a shallow life that doesn't give a person a few scars."

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Post by Territorial Hawk » Thu Sep 09, 2004 3:00 am

Do you use coping methods (healthy ones... ) in combination or just on their own? - in a combination

Name something that helps you to cope beginning with the letter 'A'. - Amorphis, a band I listen to.

Do you see coping ideas as ways to banish feelings/urges or as a way to process/deal with how you're feeling? - banish feelings/urges.

What's your favourite coping thing? - my guitar.

When you're walking and you're nervous/anxious what do you do to cope with that? - I sing. Loudly.

Describe how you could cope with one piece of paper and one art material of your choice. - I would have a piece of paper and a pen, and start to write and not stop until I felt better.

Do you try to view situations from a different perspective before trying to find something to help you cope? If you do, can you give an example of how you turned it around? - no.

Have you ever made an emergency book or box? If not, would you like to? - I have.

If I gave you £10 what coping things would you most like to buy? - one of those metal things with the balls on strings that bounce back and forth.

Do you have a portable coping things to put in your bag? If so, what do you have? - yes. I have a notebook and a pen, a phone card to call my boyfriend in America, and a letter he wrote for me telling me how much he values me, and how much he loves me.

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Post by Mystik » Thu Sep 09, 2004 10:01 am

Name something that helps you to cope beginning with the letter 'A'.
Alaskan Malamutes - My dogs :D

Do you see coping ideas as ways to banish feelings/urges or as a way to process/deal with how you're feeling?
A way to banish the urges so I can just cry

What's your favourite coping thing?
My friends

When you're walking and you're nervous/anxious what do you do to cope with that?
I have something soothing in my CD (Walkman) Player

Describe how you could cope with one piece of paper and one art material of your choice.
I would have some red or black paint and be a child :-?

Do you try to view situations from a different perspective before trying to find something to help you cope? If you do, can you give an example of how you turned it around?
No, I always listen to my music or write poetry

Have you ever made an emergency book or box? If not, would you like to?
What is this?

If I gave you £10 what coping things would you most like to buy?
Thats erm, $30 NZ? some chocolate, Lollies & see a movie with my mates

Do you have a portable coping things to put in your bag? If so, what do you have?
I have my walkman, My Camera and my cellphone also make up (What it is depends on my mood before I leave the house)

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Post by Seeshellz » Thu Sep 09, 2004 10:36 am

~~ :uhhh: Do you use coping methods (healthy ones) in combination or just on their own?

Sometimes together, like listening to music and writing in my journal at the same time, or alone like going on the computer.

~~ :uhhh: Name something that helps you cope beginning with the letter 'A'

All I could think of was Ativan, a med. to help calm you fast.

~~ :uhhh: Do you see coping ideas as ways to banish feelings/urges or as a way to process/deal with how you're feeling.

Both. Depend on how bad the crisis is and who is available.

~~ :uhhh: What's your favourite coping thing?

My journal

~~ :uhhh: When you're walking and you're nervous/anxious what do you do to cope with that?

Not much, I have a hard time with that.

~~ :uhhh: Describe how you could cope with one piece of paper and one art material of your choice.

If I was upset and being angry I would use it to express my anger on the paper and black crayon.

~~ :uhhh: Do you try to view situations from a different perspective before trying to find something to help you cope? If you do, can you give an example of how you turned it around?

It depends how much of a crisis I am in. If I'm in a full blown crisis, I can only see in black and white and I'm focused on the problem, and usually freaking out about it!

~~ :uhhh: Have you ever made an emergency book or box? If not, would you like to?

I think I tried to make one a few years ago (a box), but I kept needing things in the box and it didn't work out. I'd like to try again though.

~~ :uhhh: If I gave you $10 (I don't have that sign on my computer-Canadian-I hope I'm close to the currency) what coping things would you most like to buy?

Flavoured coffee beans reg. and decaf. and I could grind them at home, for freshness and relax with a cup of java!

~~ :uhhh: Do you have portable coping things to put in your bag? If so, what do you have?

I know I bring my medication with me. I have money to buy a coffee or something. My buspass to get me to a friend's house.

:star: :bluestar: :lpurpstar: :cystar:

Love, Shelley EH??
"If you learn from your suffering,

and really come to understand the lesson you were taught,

you might be able to help someone else who's now

in the phase you may have just completed.

Maybe that's what it's all about after all..."


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Post by tabzy » Fri Sep 17, 2004 6:06 pm

Do you use coping methods (healthy ones... ) in combination or just on their own?
i dont have many coping methods, i jus try to put my self in2 a public place so i couldnt possibly do anything without any1 noticing...

Name something that helps you to cope beginning with the letter 'A'.
arranging things i guess :roll:

Do you see coping ideas as ways to banish feelings/urges or as a way to process/deal with how you're feeling?
i use coping methods 2 prevent myself 4rm doin things i'l regret... the feelings dont go away, they just calm down a little

What's your favourite coping thing?
like i said, staying in a public place, or at least with one other person so that i wont b tempted 2 cut coz i wud neva SI in front of sum1

When you're walking and you're nervous/anxious what do you do to cope with that?
sing songs in my head, or decide what im going to wear over the next week

Describe how you could cope with one piece of paper and one art material of your choice.
i write all my feelings down, using as many emotional words as possible, and pressing as hard as i can, or write letters to myself about how much i hate actully works...... gets da anger out, preferably with a red pen...

Do you try to view situations from a different perspective before trying to find something to help you cope? If you do, can you give an example of how you turned it around?
im a bit ... persistent... once i have a ceratin view, i dont often change it so i cant usually find another way round it but to SI

Have you ever made an emergency book or box? If not, would you like to?
i have a book in my bag just incase i should want to write down "angry words"
If I gave you £10 what coping things would you most like to buy?

Do you have a portable coping things to put in your bag? If so, what do you have?
apart 4rm my book, the only other thing is my blade.. :oops: which doesnt really help i guess :oops:
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