Just an idea

tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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Just an idea

Post by jacidsky » Sun Aug 29, 2004 8:28 pm

I just thought of this, i dont know if its already been done. I wanted to do it for myself and have it in a place that i can come back to when im feeling down.
I want to make a list of all the things in my life that i am greatfull for... it may take a while to realise what i have but i think its a good idea and i thought it may help others too so feel free to join in!!!
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Post by jacidsky » Sun Aug 29, 2004 8:51 pm

I am greatfull for...
:star: My little sister, she is the most precious thing on this planet for me. Without her everything would seize to exist.
:star: My step sister, i love her just as much, and i am gratefull to have her in my life and i love her like a real sister.
:star: My most amazing, beautiful cousins. They are like my sisters... i see them more than my sisters, we've been close since birth and always will be. Im so happy to know them, i dont know what i would do without them. They rock!!!!
:star: My friends, well some of them. those that have been with me for a long time and dont just use me.
:star: My working body, although it is screwed up i am eternally grateful for it!
:star: My parents, things are tough but i still love them.
:star: My family, im upset that some have left us, we are not as close as we once were but im happy that they are still around, even though i dont think they give a shit about me.
:star: My nan, shes no longer alive but i am so happy that i got to know her, she was such an amazing person. Im also sorry that my auntie died, we were close too and she was real cool and funny and she was such a major part of my life and childhood.
:star: My grandad, now hes come out of his shell and im getting to know him, hes cool 8) .
:star: The dog... she aint mine but i look after her all day and she keeps me company and shes cool as hell!!!
:star: This place, having somewhere to go, where i can laugh, scream, cry, shout and talk. this place helps me alot and i am real grateful.
:star: The sun, the moon, the stars, space, the universe, theworld, the oceans, the animals, the plants.
:star: My spirituality. It helps me to be me even when im struggling.
:star: Myself, im glad i have this chance even though i find it so hard.
:star: Music. Life saver.
:star: Dreams, although i never actually stop dreaming! If i wasnt in my dream world, i wouldnt be here now.

Thats all for now, allthough i know there will be more. updates to come!!!
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Post by Bathelina » Sun Sep 19, 2004 7:31 pm

That's really cool. I'll start my list here too!

:star: Having a house to come home to, a roof to live under, and people and friends that I trust and value.
:star: BUS
:star: my family; my mum, dad, sister, and brother; and my cats, one of which I am very close to... strange...
:star: A good education so far, and going to a good school is something I appreciate.
:star: I like my nose.
:star: Music. It is my life.
:star: Friends... I would be nothing without them.
:star: Rain; and sun. To feel the wet of the rain and warmth of the sun... It's something so beautiful you can't explain it.
:star: Strength; I am nothing without my strength to get up and go on when I fall down.
:star: My tears. Without my tears I would not be able to cry.
:star: My eyes. To see; seeing is one of the most beautiful things you can ever experience.
:star: My hands. Reaching out and grabbing hold of the invisible hand that will pull me out of this depression; being able to use my hands to type this message, play the piano [even if I am crap], and to work.
:star: My brain... What would I be without it?
:star: Fresh air. Refreshing and beautiful.
:star: Clouds. So beautiful as they rush past in the morning. I sometimes like looking out of the window at the square. Some things are just so beautiful you take them for granted unless you look twice.
:star: Water. I love it! I can't get enough. It keeps me alive, it's refreshing, and it's tasty. Oh and did I say it keeps me alive?
:star: STARBUCKS! Hehe... I will always remember Starbucks because it is where I told my friends about my SI... Gosh... I don't want to relive that.
:star: My room. So many things it has seen that others will never see: all those times I have broken down and cried and sat curled up wishing it would end... Bad times, yes, but it has also seen me laugh.
:star: My school. Even though I really hate it a lot of the time, I friends there, and it keeps my mind active, which is important.
[Edited: 24/Oct/04, to add more. I'll add more later, too].

I can't think of any at the moment... I'll post again here when I do!

Hannah :):):)
Last edited by Bathelina on Sun Oct 24, 2004 10:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by treesleeper » Sun Oct 24, 2004 8:18 pm

:star: trees
:star: soft grass
:star: God; who continues to love me regardless of how f*cked up I let myself get
:star: My big sister
:star: Little kids
:star: That my parents are still married and love each other; I know that's a blessing that a lot of people aren't lucky enough to get.
:star: My boyfriend. He is very supportive of me. Probably the only person who knows about my SI and doesn't think I'm a freak for doing it.
:star: My new dress (is that a shallow thing to be grateful for? Because my new dress really makes me happy).

Cool idea for a thread. I enjoyed making my list and I'll probably add to it!

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