How do you deal with hair-pulling?

tips on how to cope: dealing with your feelings, dealing with the consequences of self-harm in your life. share your ideas and maybe pick up some new skills, too. you don't have to want to stop to learn something new here.

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How do you deal with hair-pulling?

Post by Lyndsie » Thu Aug 26, 2004 12:31 am

I'm going back to school in like tow weeks. I'm really nervous. Thats like the main time i hair-pull, during school. Is the any coping skill that works really well? That I could use during school? I've tryed rubber bands but they tend to annoy other people around me, and also leave bruises on my arms. SO what to do you think? And suggestions for coping skills I can use during school that won't cause me to draw attention ti myself?

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Post by inferno » Thu Aug 26, 2004 7:18 pm

Hey there Lyndsie.

I can't offer you any advice that is SPECIFIC to your situation, because I have never dealt with hair-pulling. (so i apologize for that)

However, I did have problems with scratching when I was in school.

You mentioned that you wanted to do something that wouldn't draw a lot of attention to yourself...

Sometimes, when I felt the need to scratch I would put all of that nervous energy into something else. I know that's easier to do when you're not sitting in a class, but there are some things I used to do. Sometimes, I would sketch on my notebook... sometimes I would write down as much as I could about what the teacher was saying... sometimes I would write in my journal... and when I was the most anxious, I said I needed to use the restroom, and just took a little "time-out" for myself.

I don't know if this will help you... I'm sorry I can't offer more. I'm not even sure if it's nervous energy, or just a habit that is behind your hair-pulling... but if it is anxiety, if you could try and focus the energy into another activity, that might help.

Again, I apologize for the "lack of advice" here.
I just wanted you to know that I care, and WISHED I could help more.
Take care of you.
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Post by Lyndsie » Thu Aug 26, 2004 10:46 pm


That is helpful. I have done things like thaty before in school, it has worked a little bit. The good part about my school is that i can always leave class to talk to someone. (I got to an alternative school.) I just so nervous even thinking about it, that I feel the panic flowing through my veins already. I always seem to pase when i'm nervous, but it's hard when i'm in school and your suppose to be sitting. :(

Thanks again! :)

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Post by Bathelina » Sun Sep 19, 2004 7:46 pm

I have never done this myself, but my best friend has.

She told her dad, and they got her help before it was too bad. It just takes confidence and the will to stop.

Tell someone and get lots of really good help for it, and it'll be OK. I reckon that things like rubber bands don't really work in the long-term anyway.

Good luck!
From Hannah :):) Hope I helped.

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Post by pretty » Tue Sep 21, 2004 11:32 am

I'm kinda late replying, but I hope it helps anyway.

I remember reading a few posts about hair pulling. It's something I've only ever done a few times, but I can sympatathise. Try wearing your hair tied up, so you can't pull at it. If you make it look pretty and put some effort into it you might be less likely to pull it out without thinking first. I find if I can stop to think before I do something I stand a much better chance of stopping myself. The other option, if you get really desperate or it starts to get really serious, is getting it cut really short. That way you <i>can't</i> pull it out.

I hope you're coping ok with school :)
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