Assessing your immediate need to self-injure

These questions, written by Kharre, can help you assess what's going on with you right now. By answering them, you can be sure you've done your best not to self-injure. As Kharre says,
The questions differ a little bit every time, but I will not cut if I cannot answer them. [...] The most important questions on the list are #'s 4 to 6. In the beginning I would give myself little half-assed answers, but as each month passed my answers to myself became more detailed and I began to learn things about myself. I also found out that I can lessen or avoid stress, rather than running blindly into it. It also used to be that #8's answer was always 'yes', but now it is way more often a 'no'.

What this exercise is doing is helping me learn how to identify my emotions and stressors, which is a very important part for me, because those are the things that drive me to SI.

To make answering the questions easier, I've created a form for you to answer them in. Bookmark this page and come back here when the urge to harm yourself is strong.

To use this form, enter the address you want your answers sent to, type in the answers, and press submit. A mail message with your answers will be sent to the address you specify. You are the only person who will see this message; it will not be sent to me.

Enter the email address to send this completed form to:

Pressing the submit button will send a copy of the answers to the email address you gave and will also take you to a page with your answers so you can print it out if you like. The page is made dynamically and the contents are not stored anywhere on this system. No one will see your answers except you and the person at the email address you gave above.

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