What to do if something breaks

news about changes and fixes to the board, and a place to post any technical queries.

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What to do if something breaks

Post by Proximity » Sat Apr 15, 2006 6:37 am

Most of the time, BUS runs smoothly, but every once in a while, something goes wrong. Here's what to do if something seems broken.

Tech Problems
If there is a major tech problem on BUS, please tell deb (<a href="http://buslist.org/phpBB/profile.php?mo ... rofile&u=1" target="new window">sine nomine</a>) by sending her a text message. The easiest way to do this is to send email to <a href="mailto:emergncy@busmail.org?subject=emergency">emergncy@busmail.org</a>. Keep it short; if you have an error message or a screenshot, send it as an attachment.

This doesn't mean the problem will be fixed immediately, but deb will know there is an emergency on BUS, and will get to the board as soon as she can. "Emergencies" are things that affect the entire board (not just you): the board is not really working at all, you're getting DEBUG error messages when you try to post, or things like a hacker attack which obviously need to be attended to immediately. If you send deb a message, please post (if possible) in the administrivia forum letting others know, so that deb doesn't get 1,000,000 messages each time the board goes down.

For more minor problems, please post on administrivia, and know that we're probably working on fixing it, and will get everything back to normal as soon as possible. If there is a problem with your account, PM an admin or send email to bodiesundersiege@gmail.com (This email address can be accessed by all the admins.) Someone will get back to you as soon as they can.

bodiesundersiege@gmail.com is also the address you should email if can't get on BUS for some reason, or in an emergency if the other email address does not work.


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