Avatar FAQ

news about changes and fixes to the board, and a place to post any technical queries.

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Avatar FAQ

Post by pretty » Wed Apr 12, 2006 8:56 pm

The current avatar wrangler is Pink Spider.

~ so what is an avatar?
It's that little picture you get below your username and buses (mine is a black and white tree).

~ How do I get one?
You can access these by clicking "show gallery" at the bottom of your profile and going through the folders till you find one you like. Click the little dot below the picture and then click the "select avatar" button.

~ What about the reserved folders?
All avatars in these folders have been submitted by other board members and are reserved for <b>their use only</b>. If you didn't submit this avatar, please don't use it. We do keep an eye out..

~ What if I really like a reserved avatar?
Sorry, but you still can't use it. Someone here has sent that picture in specifically for themselves, and it would be disrespectful to that person to use it without their permission. You can pm them to ask if they mind you using it, but they are free to say no.

~ How do I reserve my own avatar?
Send an e-mail to 'bus.avatars@gmail.com' along with your bus username and attach the image you want as your avatar, or a link to where it can be found online. <b>The email address that it says to send avatars to in your profile is wrong; use the gmail address.</b> Remember that if the image wouldn't be allowed in a post here, as a rule it won't be allowed as an avatar either.

~ I'm using a public avatar and I'd like to reserve it, can I?
Yes, if no one else is using it. Pm one of the avatar wranglers, they can find out if anyone else is using it and, if no one is, they can reserve it for you.

~ How do I attach the image?
Send the avatar wranglers an e-mail or pm telling them what type of mail service your using (eg. yahoo, hotmail, gmail) and they'll do their best to help.

~ Someone's using my reserved avatar. What can I do?
Send a message to one of the current avatar wranglers and state who it is that using your avatar and they'll take it from there. It's also ok to pm a mod or admin about it, and they'll do their best to sort it out for you.

~ Can I change my reserved avatar?
Yup. Just let the avatar wranglers know what you want done with your old one (taken down, or made public, etc). You can do this up to five times. It's unfair on the avatar wranglers to ask them to change your avatar every few days.

~ Do I have to reserve my avatar?
Nope. If you don't mind if other board members use the same avatar as you, please request that it's made public when you send it in if that's what you want.

~ Can I send in avatars for the public folders?
Certainly! All new avatars are welcome.

~ What size do they need to be?
About 100 X 100 pixels is our image size limit, and they should be under 3K. If you don't know how to edit the image for this just send it anyway and the avatar wranglers can do it for you.

~ How long will it take until I can use my avatar?
Well it all depends. This is all done manually so there are a lot of factors that can influence this. The avatar wranglers may not have the time for a few days, or it could be up within 5 minutes. When your avatar has been uploaded you will receive a PM telling you what gallery it is in.

~ How many reserved avatars can I have?
You may have a maximum of five reserved avatars.

~ My avatar has vanished! Help?
It is more than likely a technical problem with the board that has caused it to vanish. Have a look in the avatar galleries to see if you can just reselect it yourself, and if that fails pm one of the avatar wranglers.

If you've got any other questions about avatars, pm one of the avatar wranglers listed above.

[This FAQ was originally written by <a href="http://buslist.org/phpBB/profile.php?mo ... scarded</a>. It was updated and edited by <a href="http://buslist.org/phpBB/profile.php?mo ... npretty</a>.]
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"if I don't let myself be happy now, then when?"' - jimmy eat world


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