Before (long before)

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Before (long before)

Post by Stellaria » Thu Apr 26, 2007 4:51 am

Since I can't seem to focus on anything useful right now, thoughts won't shut up, I might as well try to organize my head for a moment. :-? (even if it's hard to see it in writing :oops: )

I’m not about to SI immediately, but I know this brand of urge, it can build for days, weeks, waiting for opportunity.
  • Why do I feel I need to hurt myself? What has brought me to this point?

    Ever since I took the ‘access to higher education test’ (a bit like the SAT in the US) about 3 weeks ago, I have felt on edge, not sleeping well, many days almost nonstop anxiety (chest tightness, palpitations, stomach butterflies). It brought up old issues of academic failures, lack of future plans, how I have messed my life up in many ways. I even SI’d after the test after 2.5 months clean, though that was superficial and more of an impulsive act, not the kind of plans I’m having now.

    But I haven’t quite felt like this since January, when I also became seriously suicidal and was put on maintenance ECT when meds didn’t work. I had treatments scheduled every two weeks until beginning of May, but I cancelled last week. Have suddenly developed panic at the thought of being put to sleep. I don’t know why. I have had 20+ ECT treatments in the past and even brain surgery without problem. It makes me feel weak and pathetic to have given in to my fear. If it had been an intellectual decision on my part I would have had no problem with it, I can allow myself to change my mind about a controversial treatment. But not this, not just chickening out. And I feel shame towards my pdoc and the psych ward staff, they have put up with me for years and tried so much stuff and now when something works, I refuse it for no real reason.

    I understand logically that the re-emergence of heavy SI urges can to some extent be because the positive effects of the last ECT I did have is wearing off by now. Just chemicals playing around in my brain. But that doesn’t stop me from indulging in them. Sometimes my intellect and my emotions seem to live on different planets.

  • Have I been here before? What did I do to deal with it? How did I feel then?

    Yes. :oops: Both similar external circumstances: Did the same test 5 years ago and felt like crap then, too. Have messed around with meds several times in a not too different manner, knowing it could make me feel worse.

    And similar thoughts and feelings: almost obsessed with how to hurt myself, where, how much, etc. Feeling split, one part of me very aware of how useless and outright stupid it would be to SI, another part not giving a damn about this and being convinced that hurting myself will somehow put things right, that standing the pain will make me stronger, that any bad consequences are just what I deserve.

    Sometimes I just went ahead and SI’d. Sometimes I used distractions like music, computer, tv, books, jigsaw puzzles, walking and other exercise, talking to friends about random things, eating, hot showers, curling up in bed. Talked about issues with b/f, friends, T, on bus. Once or twice (if also leaning towards SU thoughts) even called pdoc. Several times I postponed things this way, but eventually got tired of caring and SI’d anyway.

    How I felt afterwards – often very mixed I think, whether I had SI’d or not. Pleased that I resisted the urge but empty. Glad I could be rational but resentful that I adapted to what other people want me to do. Or relieved to be rid of the tension but scared of the lengths I go to. Usually embarrassed – embarrassed for having admitted to having these thoughts or embarrassed for acting them out, embarrassed for getting attention or for keeping secrets.

  • What I have done to ease this discomfort so far? What else can I do that won't hurt me?

    Distractions – from house work to food. Planned some social interaction for the next 6-7 days, people I will see or talk to on the phone (esp. when b/f is working) so I can’t let myself freak out too much. Have talked a little to b/f, T, a friend and in my place thread about recent worries, though not really about the SI urges bit.

    Should allow myself to sleep better, but I find that hard…

    Maybe I can simply keep going like this until next pdoc appointment (a month).

  • How do I feel right now?

    Angry with myself. Scared. Hopeless. Pleased at the thought of going through with my plans. Guilty for having these thoughts.

  • How will I feel when I am hurting myself?

    Detached. Determined. Like the rest of the world doesn’t matter.

  • How will I feel after hurting myself? How will I feel tomorrow morning?

    Relieved. Embarrassed. Shut off from people.

  • Can I avoid this stressor, or deal with it better in the future?

    I really don’t know.

  • Do I need to hurt myself?

    No, I know I don’t need to. I want to. In my head I know it brings a bunch of bad consequences (embarrassment, pain, scars, risk of infection, upsetting b/f, perpetuating self hate, at worst maybe an ER visit). In my heart I don’t get what’s wrong with it. :-?
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Post by mallie » Fri Apr 27, 2007 3:43 pm

Stellaria wrote:I’m not about to SI immediately, but I know this brand of urge, it can build for days, weeks, waiting for opportunity.
Trying this early sounds like a good idea. Good on you for trying to do something about it before it gets worse or goes on too long.

I am finding it a little hard to reply, because there don't seem to be any places where I can contribute very much - you seem to have a very good idea of what is going on for you. A couple of thoughts...
Stellaria wrote:Maybe I can simply keep going like this until next pdoc appointment (a month).
A month is a long time to wait, when you're feeling this bad. Is there any option of pulling it forward, or at least calling and mentioning some of your concerns? Do you think you could tell him what you've written here?

Did you have anything negative happen close to your last ECT session? Even something minor can make a difference. [E.g. I'm pretty sure my fear of the dentist came from suggestion. The dentist asking was I okay, repeatedly, because I was shaking slightly because I was freezing because I'd been caught in the rain. was never afraid of the dentist before that, but I am now]

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Post by Stellaria » Sat Apr 28, 2007 8:10 am

I can see that my post might be difficult to respond to, so thank you a lot for still making the effort to do so!
mallie wrote:
Stellaria wrote:Maybe I can simply keep going like this until next pdoc appointment (a month).
A month is a long time to wait, when you're feeling this bad. Is there any option of pulling it forward, or at least calling and mentioning some of your concerns?
I wrote that post early Thursday morning, but was feeling a bit better by Thursday night and now (Saturday morning my time) I'm in a much improved mood. Ok, urge still exists but in the far recesses of my mind, it's not a problem right now.

I do have the option to call pdoc if things get bad. When he called me after I had cancelled the scheduled ECT, he specifically said to call if it got urgent and he would fit me in somehow. He also gave me his home and cell phone numbers two years ago to use in emergencies, though I have never used them. The only stop is myself. :roll: When I'm close enough to acting out thoughts that it could be called urgent, I'm often past the point where I want help. I know it's stupid when I'm in the position where I do have several people who would take me seriously and help out if I only asked, I don't need to SI/OD to get noticed. But when I'm in the place where I'm about to hurt myself, I don't want anyone to stop me. Looking back, it has mainly only been when I have had serious SU thoughts that I have allowed myself to ask for help beforehand.
mallie wrote:Did you have anything negative happen close to your last ECT session? Even something minor can make a difference. [E.g. I'm pretty sure my fear of the dentist came from suggestion. The dentist asking was I okay, repeatedly, because I was shaking slightly because I was freezing because I'd been caught in the rain. was never afraid of the dentist before that, but I am now]
Was very interesting to hear about your dentist experience. I can't recall anything like that, though. The fear crept up on me gradually during the last three treatment sessions, although routines were the same as before. The last time my heart was beating so hard when I was rolled into the treatment room that the anaesthesiologist gave me a small dose of muscle relaxant to cool me off before putting me to sleep. But I don't know how the anxiety started. I used to not only tolerate but enjoy being put to sleep.

And I had heard the negative arguments against ECT long before I first had the treatment, had a friend who had gotten considerable memory problems from it (she's ok now but lost quite a bit of time), the risks are nothing new. It's anyway not so much the ECT part that scares me as the anaesthetics part. I happened to watch an episode of House the other day where someone was put to sleep, and that was enough to make me deeply uncomfortable.

The only association I have is that after I got kicked out of that pit of depression in January, things seemed so real. I often felt extremely present, aware of surroundings, experienced emotions and sensations, and something hard to describe - you know how in some situations you can have a feeling of unreality? this was sort of the opposite, more reality than normal. When I was in the waiting area before the treatment and when I was taken into the room and sedated, I really experienced every moment of it. Somehow it became intolerable.

Now I'm feeling more like normal again, like there is most of the time a filter between me and the world, though it is still very much thinner than many times in the past when I could really shut things out. I know it's a good thing that I'm more in present time and aware, but it can be hard to deal with. (I know this may sound weird)

Thanks for the questions, helps me think.
Challenges, hugs, and just about everything welcome. :bfly:

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