Acronyms commonly seen on bus

**insert name here**: hugs

((insert name here)): hugs

::insert name here::: hugs

#bus: an IRC channel where BUS people meet

4: for

A&E: Accident and Emergency room (UK)

AD: antidepressant

AFAIK: As Far As I Know

AIM: AOL Instant Messenger

AOL: America Online

AP: anti-psychotic medication (also called neuroleptics) (rare)

appt: appointment

ARNP: Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner (in the US, can diagnose and prescribe some medications)

ATM: At The Moment

bc or b/c: because

BID: twice daily

BPD: Borderline Personality Disorder (not bipolar disorder)

BUS: Bodies Under Siege (that's us :-) )

CPN: Community Psychiatric Nurse (UK)

DDNOS: Dissociative Disorder Not Otherwise Specified

DID: Dissociative Identity Disorder (the official term for MPD now)

Doc: doctor/GP

Dx: diagnosis

ED: Eating Disorder

EDNOS: Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified

ER: Emergency Room

GP: General Practitioner

HS: High School (US secondary school)

HTH: Hope That Helps (can be taken as sarcasm)

Hx: history (as in treatment history or psychiatric history)

ICQ: instant message/chat system (

ID: per day (on prescriptions)

IIRC: If I Recall Correctly

IMHO: In My Humble Opinion

IMNSHO: In My Not-So-Humble Opinion

IMO: in my opinion

IP: inpatient (usually refers to a psych hospitalization)

IRC: Internet Relay Chat

MAOI: Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (antidepressants)

MD: Medical Doctor

MPD: Multiple Personality Disorder (now a quasi-obsolete term)

MSN: Microsoft instant message program (

NOS: Not Otherwise Specified (used when a diagnosis fits the general category but not a specific label - i.e. EDNOS, anxiety disorder NOS, etc)

NSIAD: National Self Injury Awareness Day (March 1)

OCD: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

OD: overdose

OP: outpatient

OT: Off Topic (also Occupational Therapist)

PA: Physical Abuse (also Physician's Assistant)

Pdoc: Psychiatrist

pozzies/possies: positives

ppl: people

PRN: take as needed (on prescriptions)

Psych: psychiatric (e.g. 'psych nurse')

PTSD: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Px: prognosis

QED: Quod Erat Demonstrandum (which was to be demonstrated)

QID: 4 times per day (on prescriptions)

r: are

RN: Registered Nurse

Rx: prescription or treatment

SA: Sexual Abuse

SAD: Seasonal Affective Disorder

SAFE: Self Abuse Finally Ends (in the US, a hospital program; in Canada, a support group)

SI: Self-Injury (also Suicidal Ideation for psychiatrists, but on the list it usually means self-injury)

SIV: Self-Inflicted Violence (self-injury)

SIB: Self-Injurious Behavior

SM: Self-Mutilation (term disliked by most. Rarely, sado-masochism)

SSRI: Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor, a class of antidepressant

SU: suicide

Sx: symptom

T: therapist

TCA: Tricyclic Antidepressant

TID: three times daily (on prescriptions)

Tx: treatment

u: you

WreckedNet IRC/chat slang dictionary